Monday, November 14, 2011


This morning I had my 4-hour (yes 4 hours) test for GD. I went to the Hospital to do the test. The nurses were so sweet, and i just sat in a little room and did work on my laptop. Rambo has been kicking like crazy! I'm sure he was starving this morning, i was.

Dave took Emery to school this morning....the very first time. He said it went fine, i knew it would be it's still cute. She's been doing great. She is cutting two new teeth though so she's been a little off her game. But she was AMAZING last night when we went to dinner with my parents. She is so fun, i just love it!! She loves to dance, she's been dancing constantly. But now she can't just dance alone, she wants to dance with anyone around her, mostly me and Dave. But if Nana or River are around they will do just fine.

We still haven't locked in our design for Rambo's room but we're close. Dave said he'll have it done by Christmas, and he better! I really want to get it all set up that week. Olivia will be here the whole week and we can get everything organized.

I am feeling pretty good, i have to wear my belly ban or I get really bad leg pain. -- to the point where i can't really walk. But the belly ban seems to help a lot. I told Stone (our midwife) that we want to go natural this time and she said to start doing as much yoga as I can. So here we go with that:)

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