Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Little man is ONE

Yes, i know, I can't believe it either. He took his first steps last night, made it a whole 3 feet. It was pretty amazing.. and yes i cried.

What a year! OMG! First a horrible birth, a stay in the NICU, a terrible recovery (i wouldn't wish a c-section on my worst enemy), a trip to MUSC's ER for Emery, 6 months of crying/screaming for 21 hours a day with 2-hour sleeping increments, Dave's 5 month illness and 14 hour work days, an 8 month old who refused to take a bottle....for 2 months....moving us right into full time pumping (yuck).   YES, i am VERY relieved we're on to the next faze of our household.  We made it! and we're all stronger for it.

So Happy Birthday to my lovey boy. i'm so glad you're here, I love you so so much. and you make it all worth it.