Monday, March 7, 2011

First Steps

Last night Nana, River and Aunt Livvy came over for dinner. (they brought everything with them, it was sweet) We know Em has been close for about 2 weeks now. She loves walking if you're holding on to her hands. If there are two of us we can each grab a hand and she LOVES it. so last night we we tried to sit a few feet apart and she did it! She took like 3 steps. It was pretty sweet. So we'll see when this gets going, then our little girl is going to move...Fast. I just know it.

She's still not sleeping through the night, but she wakes up screaming sometimes. Which makes me think it's something that's waking her up, either bad dreams or pain. I have no idea. She does panic when we're not right there though. But during the day she can play by herself with no issues. So who knows.

Every day you can see her growing. She smiles all the time and interacts so much more now. She's into pointing lately, and she "talks" constantly. Her laugh is the best thing on earth, and we're learning what she finds funny. She has some lungs on her that's for sure. She let out a scream last night trying to talk to wriggly and he started shaking. poor dog. She thought it was funny and just smiled at him.

As for me I'm going to start taking some yoga classes this week. I just started selling jeans, and i'm pumped about that. We are headed up to NJ at the end of this month to visit everyone. Oh and I am getting ready for Emery's first birthday party!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Emery is very attached to me...something you assume being a mom....but i had no idea how attached I was going to be to her. I hate saying goodbye to her in the mornings. It's hard. She's fine...i'm the one wishing we could spend the day together.

She's hungry. The last two nights she has wanted to nurse every few hours. Then this morning she finished an entire baby yogurt. She never does that. So i'm assuming this is some kind of growth period. She eats pretty much anything you put in front of her. Last night she was eating avocado. A food she hated 3 months ago. She loves chicken and bread. She had pears last night too. She likes eating by herself so we just cut a bunch of stuff up and put it on her tray.

I just love her.