Wednesday, October 19, 2011

24weeks/18months (Rambo and Emery)

I'll be 24 weeks tomorrow and Emery will be 18 months on Friday! WOW.

Emery is talking up a storm. She only has about 10 words, but she makes a lot of noise. She said "bye" pretty clear last night as she closed the door on Dave. :) She says Cheese a lot, while standing in front of the fridge and pointing. She goes through cheese and bananas like it's going out of style. We have to buy two bunches of bananas at a time. We have her 18-month shoot with Kayla on Friday!!! I'm very excited about it. Hopefully this will make good shots for presents for the grandparents.

Rambo is doing good, i think i'm going early. Well not early per-say, i think my due date is off. I knew i was pregnant way before the test said i was. So i have a feeling he's coming in January not February. He is kicking a lot and i've been feeling pretty good. I was exhausted yesterday and sat there while Dave put away the groceries, cleaned the kitchen, cooked dinner, and clean up afterwards. I felt bad, but he didn't seem to mind.

My dad is coming over next weekend to prime the room and then Dave will put in the chair-rail. We are currently thinking we'll do the same design as Emery's room with different colors. So we'll see.

I'm having a little pain here and there but overall doing good. The start of the day is always better then the end. We're checking out the Birth Center this month to see if we like it. I'll keep ya posted. :)

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