Thursday, August 11, 2011

shaking her head/14 weeks

Emery has a few new tricks....she can shake her head no and yes. However she's found the no much more useful. "are you done with bathtime?" shake the head no "do you want more of ___" the list goes on and on. It's quite funny. She also dances in a circle until she gets so dizzy she falls down. VERY funny. this is usually done while clapping her hands or waveing them in the air. music or not.

we went to her 15 month apt yesterday and she's doing great. her weight is in the 3%. haha, little lady hasn't hit 20lbs yet. So she's still in the infant car seat. Dr. Davis said we're doing great and to keep it up. We have been trying to go by the 3 good things to every bad - meaning for every no there are 3 yes's. So we say "go bites" when she eats and "good sharing", "nice helping". and so on. Trying to always praise her for doing what's right. She's the best. She's so much fun!

The new baby is 14 weeks today, I still can't believe it. I'm not gaining as much weight as with Emery, but then again i started this pregnancy about 10 lbs lighter. I looked at my weight log for Emery and I gained 32lbs with her. So we'll see about this one. We cleared out the guest bedroom and are just waiting until October when we know the sex to pick the wallpaper and paint.

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