Sunday, June 5, 2011

Every Changeing

The last month has been amazing!! Every day she has a new "skill". She dances on cue, blows kisses, gives kisses, loves the pool and the ocean, and eats pretty much everything. I say to her "give me your paci" and she hands it to me. She just started using her "more" sign. She loves the sippy cup and these cool squeezer meals from Earth's Best and Happy Baby. One day I said to her "go get monkey" and she not only knew what i was talking about, she knew exactly where it was. It was cool!

Dave and I are really enjoying just watching her. She was almost passed out on him a few weeks back and she managed to pick her head up, take out her paci, and give him a kiss. She then put the paci back in and put her head back down on his shoulder. I don't think it gets better then that.

Mom, Dad and I took her to to DC over memorial day. She got to see the whole gang and meet Natalee, Dave's sister, for the first time. It was really great. She did fantastic on the trip.

Her new daycare is amazing!! We are just so happy she's there. I had no idea what we were missing.

She started cutting her first tooth 2 nights ago. Finally!! I can't even list all the things she does now. The dancing is the best. She starts to dance in the car too now. It's super cute.

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