Friday, February 22, 2013

walking...not really

So Vince can just chooses not to.  However he can get up and down the stairs by himself...and speaking of by their-selves. this was day 2 that Emery got her self dressed. I mean completely.  Went into her room, got her underwear  sock, her pants and a shirt and came back into our room and got dressed. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.  She can even do buttons now.

Vince had his one year photo shoot last weekend but was not digging the we put chicken and carrots on the cake to make it look like he was reaching for the cake. Go fugue  my kid likes chicken more then icing....maybe they switched him at birth! He's doing so much more now. He gives kisses and i saw him wave bye-bye just this past weekend for the first time.  This morning he was putting all his toys into one of Emery's purses. I was pretty impressed.

Emery and I leave next week for Boston! Nat's 30th Birthday Party should be a great time.  Emery tells everyone she's going on a plane with her mommy.

On the adult front, Dave and I are exploring schools for Emery.  She starts kindergarten the fall of 2015 and we aren't thrilled with the school in our district.  We are thinking of moving or going private   I'll keep ya posted.

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