Tuesday, October 30, 2012

9 months??? ALREADY!?

Today Vinny is 9 months old. WOW. He's crawling like crazy, and boy is he fast. He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. Over the weekend we went to Orlando for Tim's daughter's baptism and stayed at a hotel - where Vinny tried to put the door stop (the one attached to the floor) in his mouth. When he realized he couldn't pick it up, he put himself in a push-up position and put his mouth over it. it was gross & very amusing. The trip to FL went well, the kids did amazing. Poor Emery threw up her entire breakfast on Sunday as we pulled up to the church. I'm pretty sure it was bad yogurt. She was so upset and just kept crying and saying "my dress... it's yucky...take it off" she was COVERED in puke. As was the car seat. Did i mention this was about 5 minutes before we were walking into church with very nice clothes on. I think Vinny is going through a growth spurt. He's nursing around the clock....which is amazing for my waist line... but not so much for my sleep. He's taking a little bit of a bottle here and there but not much.

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