Sunday, September 5, 2010

...just talking

Sometimes I just this blog as an outlet. Like an open diary. Is that good? probably not. But whatever. moving on...

Schools of thought on child raising is quite interesting. There are so many and they are all 100% sure they are right. The whole "cry it out" thing that our Doc told us to do, well my girls at the La Lac Club completely disagree. They say that the baby's brain develops during the night and that's when they need the nutrition. "if they are crying there is a reason". Which i'm on board with. I don't like hearing the person i love most in the world upset, who does? BUT...the LLC girls don't work. none of them. I do. I can't nap when Emery naps, b/c i'm on the phone trying to get new business. I can't walk around like a zombie when i have stuff i need to do, and need to have some energy to get it done and stay motivated. So there must be a middle ground. That's what i'm looking for. I don't want to get up just to give her her pacifier, but if she's hungry i want to help her out.

Things....we have WAY to many things. I just keep walking around the house thinking, what is all this crap. It's so funny what we've all become. My sister's friend Sally said something a while back that struck me. She was talking about her knock-off ugg boots. She said she was talking to some girl who made a comment that her boots were not real and that she had real uggs and she paid $xx for them. Sally goes, I told her she got ripped off. WOW, wait a minute you mean to tell me there are people out there that don't buy into the whole label craze....i love it.....That a shirt for $10 is a deal, $30 is a good shirt and $100 you just got hosed. i get quality, don't get me wrong. Kmart stuff lasts a few weeks, while gap sweatshirts stick around until your 70. but there has to been a line, a limit to when it's just crazy. I like to look nice and i like nice things but i think i'm way past buying something just b/c of the name. Hell i sold a pair of Jimmy Choo's on ebay for $75. They were not good looking shoes.

back to the baby....she's doing great. She's super frustrated that she can't walk on her own...yes she's 4 months old. every time you let her stand up, she smiles and is soooo happy. She just can't wait to walk. She does really good on a schedule. it works out to be about 3-4 hours. again. it's nice b/c i can look at the clock and know ohhh she's tired or ohh she's gona get hungry soon. I like that. She had a tough day yesterday. Dave is positive it was the shrimp from Thursday night...that i ate again on Friday. it seriously messed up my stomach.

cutting back....dave and i are cutting back all expenses. Starting a new business has it's draw backs. So any ideas for free stuff to do to get us out of the house, i'm all ears. we took going out to dinner off the table. which sucks b/c that's my favorite. So now we'll just have to have friends over for dinner and my coupon skills have to get to the next level...and fast.

Denver! I'm super excited about our Denver trip. Emery and I are going to Denver for Erin's wedding. We will be there for 4 days. It's right around the corner.

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