This past weekend Emery and I went to Denver for Erin's wedding. We left friday and came back yesterday. It was an amazing trip. Thank God for Jim and Babs, Erin's dad and step mom. I stayed with them and Jim's sister Laurie. It was really amazing how helpful it was to be with them all. Nicole (Erin's little sister) even put on my sling and walked around with Emery so i could get my nails done. The wedding was amazing, and Erin looked the part. I finally got to meet Travis! Emery did really good on the planes. There were 4 total. She screamed for about 20/30 minutes from Atlanta to Denver but i think it was her ears. She also yelled for a bit from Denver to Atlanta but we were sitting on the run way forever. So i think everyone was upset, she was just more vocal.

Sitting up! WHAT? she's sitting up all by herself. If she wasn't such a spas she would probably stay upright for a while, but throws herself to the left and right and knocks herself over. So i have to sit there with her, I can't walk away. but she's doing it. She also grabs stuff now. Mostly my lips and nose. But really everything. Things on the table, the diaper bag, her pants....pretty much everything. She likes to put whatever she can get her hands on into her mouth. We're pretty sure she's teething.
Melyssa she is SO ADORABLE!!! :o)
she is so freaking cute in that little dress at the wedding! can't believe she's already sitting up!!
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