Last night right before i went to bed I did a quick clean of the house. I have found that it's much eaiser to get work done if I don't feel the need to clean the house. Therefore if it's clean already i'm in good shape. I went to bed close to midnight, but the house looks good and Em is doing great.
Dave and I try to watch Psych at night. Sometimes we make it a whole episode and sometimes 1/2. But last night as we turned it on, got through 3 minutes and decided we were both going to miss stuff b/c Emery was talking up a storm and we were to busy watching her. We decided she's the cutest thing in the entire world. (even better then puppies)
In our effort to conserve money, we took a picnic dinner over to the mount pleasant pier on Sunday night. (Monday was a holiday) It was really nice. I brought my camera:
We went to Ava's 1st birthday last night and it was really nice. I have photos from that too:
And since i had the camera out last night....
1 comment:
youre right, shes pretty stinking cute. love her big smile
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