So it's about 11:40PM on Wednesday night...I have no desire to go to sleep. I can't do the laundry b/c Dave is sleeping and all the clean clothes that need to be folded are in our bedroom. I could continue to set up my coupon book, but i have been messing with that thing all night. I need a break.
The last few weeks Emery has had trouble sleeping. Some nights waking every hour. Which leads to the VERY obvious question "why on earth am i not capitalizing on this time to sleep". i have no idea. I just started reading a sleeping book from the La Leche League group. I think it should help. She might also be teething, which i'm sure isn't fun. She went to bed around 8:30 tonight and has gotten up only once since then to eat.
speaking of eating....I do find myself not wanting to be friends with mom's that don't breastfed. It's almost like i'm ok with it if it's over with. Like my one friend who has a 2 year old and didn't breastfeed her. But it's over. But I just saw a photo on facebook of a girl i know and she's in a hospital gown...just had her baby...and there she is with a bottle! It made me sick to my stomach. I understand there are extreme circumstance that call for mom's not being able to breastfeed. but this was clearly a choice. I just don't understand why you wouldn't do what's best for your kid. Isn't that what we all want, the best for our kids. So why settle for formula when it was created to replicate breast milk! Why not give your kid the real thing??? AND it's better for the mom! It makes me crazy. Even if the mom could just breastfeed for a little while, every day that kid gets breast milk is better then not. I know mom's who work and pump and made it to 6 months! That's not easy, but it's the best for your kid!!! So there's my rant for the evening. Kids can have cow's milk at 1 years old.
ok i'm going to bed.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Birthday - Denver - sitting up
September 21st was my 31st birthday, and Emery's 5 month birthday. Mom, Dad, Liv, Dave, Emery and I all went out for Hibachi. It was SOO good. I had the leftovers the next day for lunch and they were just as good. It was really a great day. Dave treated me to a massage and then Emery and I took a nap. I got a balance board and the Wii Fit Plus! Love it!

This past weekend Emery and I went to Denver for Erin's wedding. We left friday and came back yesterday. It was an amazing trip. Thank God for Jim and Babs, Erin's dad and step mom. I stayed with them and Jim's sister Laurie. It was really amazing how helpful it was to be with them all. Nicole (Erin's little sister) even put on my sling and walked around with Emery so i could get my nails done. The wedding was amazing, and Erin looked the part. I finally got to meet Travis! Emery did really good on the planes. There were 4 total. She screamed for about 20/30 minutes from Atlanta to Denver but i think it was her ears. She also yelled for a bit from Denver to Atlanta but we were sitting on the run way forever. So i think everyone was upset, she was just more vocal.

Sitting up! WHAT? she's sitting up all by herself. If she wasn't such a spas she would probably stay upright for a while, but throws herself to the left and right and knocks herself over. So i have to sit there with her, I can't walk away. but she's doing it. She also grabs stuff now. Mostly my lips and nose. But really everything. Things on the table, the diaper bag, her pants....pretty much everything. She likes to put whatever she can get her hands on into her mouth. We're pretty sure she's teething.

This past weekend Emery and I went to Denver for Erin's wedding. We left friday and came back yesterday. It was an amazing trip. Thank God for Jim and Babs, Erin's dad and step mom. I stayed with them and Jim's sister Laurie. It was really amazing how helpful it was to be with them all. Nicole (Erin's little sister) even put on my sling and walked around with Emery so i could get my nails done. The wedding was amazing, and Erin looked the part. I finally got to meet Travis! Emery did really good on the planes. There were 4 total. She screamed for about 20/30 minutes from Atlanta to Denver but i think it was her ears. She also yelled for a bit from Denver to Atlanta but we were sitting on the run way forever. So i think everyone was upset, she was just more vocal.

Sitting up! WHAT? she's sitting up all by herself. If she wasn't such a spas she would probably stay upright for a while, but throws herself to the left and right and knocks herself over. So i have to sit there with her, I can't walk away. but she's doing it. She also grabs stuff now. Mostly my lips and nose. But really everything. Things on the table, the diaper bag, her pants....pretty much everything. She likes to put whatever she can get her hands on into her mouth. We're pretty sure she's teething.
Monday, September 13, 2010
All by myself!
Emery's new tricks....we can (almost) put the paci back in our mouth!! She gets it to her mouth every time, but sometimes it's turned the wrong way. This is very exciting. (to all you mom's out there you know just HOW exciting this really is) Other tricks...we now reach for whatever mommy has. Oh now this trick is fun. I find myself holding her and trying to eat at the same time..mind you my plate is about a foot away from me b/c she keeps going for it.
Poor little thing is sick right now, she has a cold and can't breath through her nose which is horrible b/c she spits out her paci to breath and then wakes herself up.
Poor little thing is sick right now, she has a cold and can't breath through her nose which is horrible b/c she spits out her paci to breath and then wakes herself up.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I'm awake, it's 5:50AM...and i feel amazing! Emery is still the point at which about a half hour ago i went in there and thought she wasn't breathing so i put my hand on her back and kinda shook her. Well of course, she wiggled and moved..and i felt like an asshole. Poor kid is trying to sleep.
Last night right before i went to bed I did a quick clean of the house. I have found that it's much eaiser to get work done if I don't feel the need to clean the house. Therefore if it's clean already i'm in good shape. I went to bed close to midnight, but the house looks good and Em is doing great.
Dave and I try to watch Psych at night. Sometimes we make it a whole episode and sometimes 1/2. But last night as we turned it on, got through 3 minutes and decided we were both going to miss stuff b/c Emery was talking up a storm and we were to busy watching her. We decided she's the cutest thing in the entire world. (even better then puppies)
In our effort to conserve money, we took a picnic dinner over to the mount pleasant pier on Sunday night. (Monday was a holiday) It was really nice. I brought my camera:

We went to Ava's 1st birthday last night and it was really nice. I have photos from that too:

And since i had the camera out last night....
Last night right before i went to bed I did a quick clean of the house. I have found that it's much eaiser to get work done if I don't feel the need to clean the house. Therefore if it's clean already i'm in good shape. I went to bed close to midnight, but the house looks good and Em is doing great.
Dave and I try to watch Psych at night. Sometimes we make it a whole episode and sometimes 1/2. But last night as we turned it on, got through 3 minutes and decided we were both going to miss stuff b/c Emery was talking up a storm and we were to busy watching her. We decided she's the cutest thing in the entire world. (even better then puppies)
In our effort to conserve money, we took a picnic dinner over to the mount pleasant pier on Sunday night. (Monday was a holiday) It was really nice. I brought my camera:
We went to Ava's 1st birthday last night and it was really nice. I have photos from that too:
And since i had the camera out last night....
Sunday, September 5, 2010
...just talking
Sometimes I just this blog as an outlet. Like an open diary. Is that good? probably not. But whatever. moving on...
Schools of thought on child raising is quite interesting. There are so many and they are all 100% sure they are right. The whole "cry it out" thing that our Doc told us to do, well my girls at the La Lac Club completely disagree. They say that the baby's brain develops during the night and that's when they need the nutrition. "if they are crying there is a reason". Which i'm on board with. I don't like hearing the person i love most in the world upset, who does? BUT...the LLC girls don't work. none of them. I do. I can't nap when Emery naps, b/c i'm on the phone trying to get new business. I can't walk around like a zombie when i have stuff i need to do, and need to have some energy to get it done and stay motivated. So there must be a middle ground. That's what i'm looking for. I don't want to get up just to give her her pacifier, but if she's hungry i want to help her out.
Things....we have WAY to many things. I just keep walking around the house thinking, what is all this crap. It's so funny what we've all become. My sister's friend Sally said something a while back that struck me. She was talking about her knock-off ugg boots. She said she was talking to some girl who made a comment that her boots were not real and that she had real uggs and she paid $xx for them. Sally goes, I told her she got ripped off. WOW, wait a minute you mean to tell me there are people out there that don't buy into the whole label craze....i love it.....That a shirt for $10 is a deal, $30 is a good shirt and $100 you just got hosed. i get quality, don't get me wrong. Kmart stuff lasts a few weeks, while gap sweatshirts stick around until your 70. but there has to been a line, a limit to when it's just crazy. I like to look nice and i like nice things but i think i'm way past buying something just b/c of the name. Hell i sold a pair of Jimmy Choo's on ebay for $75. They were not good looking shoes.
back to the baby....she's doing great. She's super frustrated that she can't walk on her own...yes she's 4 months old. every time you let her stand up, she smiles and is soooo happy. She just can't wait to walk. She does really good on a schedule. it works out to be about 3-4 hours. again. it's nice b/c i can look at the clock and know ohhh she's tired or ohh she's gona get hungry soon. I like that. She had a tough day yesterday. Dave is positive it was the shrimp from Thursday night...that i ate again on Friday. it seriously messed up my stomach.
cutting back....dave and i are cutting back all expenses. Starting a new business has it's draw backs. So any ideas for free stuff to do to get us out of the house, i'm all ears. we took going out to dinner off the table. which sucks b/c that's my favorite. So now we'll just have to have friends over for dinner and my coupon skills have to get to the next level...and fast.
Denver! I'm super excited about our Denver trip. Emery and I are going to Denver for Erin's wedding. We will be there for 4 days. It's right around the corner.
Schools of thought on child raising is quite interesting. There are so many and they are all 100% sure they are right. The whole "cry it out" thing that our Doc told us to do, well my girls at the La Lac Club completely disagree. They say that the baby's brain develops during the night and that's when they need the nutrition. "if they are crying there is a reason". Which i'm on board with. I don't like hearing the person i love most in the world upset, who does? BUT...the LLC girls don't work. none of them. I do. I can't nap when Emery naps, b/c i'm on the phone trying to get new business. I can't walk around like a zombie when i have stuff i need to do, and need to have some energy to get it done and stay motivated. So there must be a middle ground. That's what i'm looking for. I don't want to get up just to give her her pacifier, but if she's hungry i want to help her out.
Things....we have WAY to many things. I just keep walking around the house thinking, what is all this crap. It's so funny what we've all become. My sister's friend Sally said something a while back that struck me. She was talking about her knock-off ugg boots. She said she was talking to some girl who made a comment that her boots were not real and that she had real uggs and she paid $xx for them. Sally goes, I told her she got ripped off. WOW, wait a minute you mean to tell me there are people out there that don't buy into the whole label craze....i love it.....That a shirt for $10 is a deal, $30 is a good shirt and $100 you just got hosed. i get quality, don't get me wrong. Kmart stuff lasts a few weeks, while gap sweatshirts stick around until your 70. but there has to been a line, a limit to when it's just crazy. I like to look nice and i like nice things but i think i'm way past buying something just b/c of the name. Hell i sold a pair of Jimmy Choo's on ebay for $75. They were not good looking shoes.
back to the baby....she's doing great. She's super frustrated that she can't walk on her own...yes she's 4 months old. every time you let her stand up, she smiles and is soooo happy. She just can't wait to walk. She does really good on a schedule. it works out to be about 3-4 hours. again. it's nice b/c i can look at the clock and know ohhh she's tired or ohh she's gona get hungry soon. I like that. She had a tough day yesterday. Dave is positive it was the shrimp from Thursday night...that i ate again on Friday. it seriously messed up my stomach.
cutting back....dave and i are cutting back all expenses. Starting a new business has it's draw backs. So any ideas for free stuff to do to get us out of the house, i'm all ears. we took going out to dinner off the table. which sucks b/c that's my favorite. So now we'll just have to have friends over for dinner and my coupon skills have to get to the next level...and fast.
Denver! I'm super excited about our Denver trip. Emery and I are going to Denver for Erin's wedding. We will be there for 4 days. It's right around the corner.
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