emery's 16 weeks photo shoot started with a smile..
got a little more serious..
and ended with her trying to crawl away...
Emery at 15 weeks... (i'll get better at this)
Emery has two new tricks. She can now grab both feet with her hands. This happens automatically as soon as you take her clothes off. She also does it while laying in her crib.
Step 1: get feet
Step 2: notice mom has black flashing thing pressed up against her face
Step 3: try and eat my hand.
Her second trick is she can now roll over from her back to her stomach...wait for it...and back to her back. I have yet to SEE her go from back to her back but i turned to get the camera and she flipped back back over....mind you she still can't sit up my herself and she's not 4 months yet! This is crazy. I have some video of her at http://www.youtube.com/user/melyjask but have yet to catch her doing a full roll over.
And just for fun her new outfit with her thug hat.
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