So the misery makes a lot more sense now.I was havering contractions. About 12:30 Monday I decided to call the doc to see if there was something I could take for the pain I was having. I also mentioned I was nausea. They told me to come in and hooked me up to the same machine as last time. Two monitors, one for baby’s heart beat one for contractions. They put me in a little room with a recliner. Midwife Jean came in and her eyes go wide when she saw the readings from the machine. She said holy shit what’ going on with you. She checked my cervix (it was closed) and admitted me to the hospital. Dave was on his way to the doctor’s office when she pulled me into the exam room to check my cervix. I had two big contractions on the way to the doc and was in tears a this point. (there is no question about an epidural now) They admitted me to east cooper, they made me get in a wheel chair...booo.. and took me over this walk way to the back entrance of the maternity ward. They got me set up and gave me procardia pills to stop the contractions, which is the main goal...keep the baby in. Every hour for 3 hours we did the pill. About 6:30 Midwife jean came over and said they were not working so we had to start magnesium sulfate.
They had given me an IV and pain meds at this point, so they started the mag and gave me fair warning it wasn’t going to be pretty...little did they know. It was about 3 seconds after they put the mag into my IV and I looked at the nurse and said I don’t feel good, I can taste it. She said oh there’s no way you could react that fast. I looked at dave and said, I’m gona throw up. He grabbed a bin and I threw up. The nurse said she has never seen someone react so quickly to it. Well now you have.
They gave me a catheter b/c I’m not allowed to get up. And a shot in my butt for the nausea. So I have tubes come out all over the place. They had two monitors on my belly like at the doctor's office, and at the time they started the mag, my contractions were a minute apart and lasting for 40 seconds. Not good. I was pretty out of it for the rest of the night.
Mom/dad/liv stopped by the house and got Dave and I some stuff. Mostly clothes and for Dave and a blanket and pillow for both of us, and a laptop. They stayed for a bit then took off. They gave me an ambien to help me sleep and apparently it worked b/c Dave said I was out cold. He said the nurses kept coming in and asking me questions and I didn't even respond. It’s hard to sleep in the beds, and of course you have nurses coming in every hour to take your temp and check your tubes, so it's really good i had the pill.
Tuesday (written Tuesday):
This morning I was been feeling better. Still seeing double and out of it though. The contractions this morning were 10 minutes apart and have been getting less and less all day. They are afraid if they take me off the mag they will return so they are going to do that tomorrow morning and see how I respond. Side note: I can hear baby’s heatbeat and she has the hiccups. I got to eat breakfast this morning and lunch is here waiting for me. The mag makes you retain fluids so I’m not allowed too much water but all these drugs make your mouth dry so it’s not the best combo. I have diet ginger ale now which is nice b/c it has some taste but I have to make it last.
Dave has been amazing. I’m very lucky. I think he did get some sleep last night, the couch in our room pulls out. The room is nice, very large. We did hear some crying babies last night and this morning, which is always nice to hear. We both look at each other and just smile.
Yesterday I was in and out of it most of the day. But last night they backed off the mag a little and I started to feel better. I didn’t get any meds to sleep and slept pretty good. Everything seems to be going well this morning. It’s about 8:00AM and the docs are coming soon to pull the mag all together. I have had very few contractions and I feel sooo much better then yesterday. The double vision is almost completely gone and I’m finally hungry. Dad brought me to pb&j’s last night and I had one when he got here and one this morning. I have eggs and cheese coming at some point for my breakfast.
Dave slept pretty good too last night so that’s really good. It’s hard to sleep here with all the nurses coming in and out but our nurse last night was really good and she tried to stay quite when she came in.
They still have me on an IV with fluid and antibiotics. Oh and last night they gave me the second steroid shot. Holy S*& did it hurt. I was dead asleep about 2 seconds before so it wasn’t the best way to get up. It burned something fierce. This morning Nancy from labs came to take blood and she got it on the first try (unlike the nurse the first day here that stabbed me like I took her purse). So it was nice to have a pro. Anna is my nurse again today and I like her. She stopped by a few times this morning already and she’ll be with me hopefully all day. Nurse Stone should be here soon to pull the mag.
Overall feeling much better then yesterday. Baby J’s heartbeat is great and contractions aren’t coming too much. Good report.
Afternoon update:
Nurse Stone and Dr. Wilson came and pulled me off the mag this morning around 9AM. It was wonderful. They took out all the IV's and the catheter! I was a free women. But getting up and walking for the first time in 2 days is pretty interesting. I almost ran into the wall. no balance. Dave and I watched "Dirty SExy Money" and played cards. I felt like myself today. Dr. Wilson came back around 1:00 and told me I could go home. I couldn't wait to take a shower, which is the first thing i did as soon as we got home. They took me in a wheel chair, which i had no problem with this time. I'm just so glad she's still inside me. Still cooking. Dr. Wilson said I have to make it to 35 weeks which is a week and 3 days. I can do it. 37 weeks is better so that's what i'm shooting for. I'm officially on bed rest. I can be standing/walking for 15 minutes max then i have to sit/lay back down. Dave is going to publix tonight to get tons of food. A lot of people said they are up for helping, i think the biggest thing i need is help getting dinner made. Dave doesn't usually get home till late and I get hungry around 6. I can't stand up long enough to chop veggies and grill chicken, even on the George Forman which is now my new best friend. So pathetic.
But i'm home now. Watching some TV and playing on the net. My back hurts i think due to the being in that hospital bed and the water retention. I am just drinking a lot of water and staying chill.
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KEEP THAT LIL BEAN COOKIN!!! What a wild few days for you!! Glad you are out of the hospital now. I wonder if I subconscious was trying to tell me something was going on with you because I kept thinking about you going into labor the last couple days but I knew you weren't due yet! Weird. Keep that bun in the oven please ;o).
My goodness you've been through a lot!!! I'm glad you and baby J are ok. I don't know if you know what all happened to me AFTER delivery or not.. but I had post pardum pre-eclampsia and had to be re-admitted 3 days after coming home with Caleb. I was put on Mag as well.. what a nightmare. I felt it just as quick as you. My body was hot, sweaty, itchy, they wouldn't give me a cath so I had to use a bedpan every 20 mins. It was god awful. Good news is the mag saved my life, my blood pressure was so high I probably would have had a seizure or stroke if I didn't have it. AND best of all I was discharged for good on Mother's Day =) Caleb stayed with me the entire time in the hospital. Of course I could only lay with him in my bed but it was comforting knowing he was there and being able to see him. Hang in there.. she will be here any day =) Let me know if you need anything.
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