Tuesday, March 16, 2010


It's beautiful outside right now. I'm sitting on the couch with all the blinds open. People keep asking me if I'm bored? I'm not. I think it might take a good week to get there, if then. I have my computer...that's entertainment for a while. I have made myself a list of projects I can do sitting right here. I feel good today. The tightness and her pushing is coming in and out and is usually worse in the afternoons. So the mornings are good. I slept in until 10:30 today. The longer i stay in bed the better. It's the most comfortable at this point. Mom came yesterday and brought Dave and I dinner. She even did the dishes while she was here. I was thinking about mom's yesterday. It's funny, we all have one, but the relationships we have with them are so different. You really start to reflect on this stuff when you're about to be a mom. My mom is amazing. She NEVER gave up on us. She was always there, always supportive, always just did what needed to be done. Here I am at 30 and she's still taking care of me. I am very lucky to have her as a role model. She's going to be an amazing grandmother too. She just takes care of things, of us. She was pretty worried about me and baby J last week. so much so i think she got sick b/c of it. She is coming over today to sit with me while the cleaners come. She and dad treated us to a house cleaning before the baby comes! This is very exciting b/c now dave and I don't have to worry about that piece. Dave put up the blinds in baby's room last night and I'm just waiting on the window valance from Target in the mail. Once that comes and we move the dresser over the room will be done. Oh and we have to hang some stuff on the walls. But that's not a rush. The major stuff is done! I'll put photos up when the valance comes.

1 comment:

elcw said...

SUCH sweet & lovely things to say about your mom!!! I feel the SAME way about my mom :o).
Glad you aren't bored!!! That would be awful not to be able to get up...IF you were bored. But since you aren't enjoy every minute of the relaxation!!!