Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Special Delivery

Last night Dave and I had our first pregnancy class. We have a total of 6 this month. The special delivery series is 3 classes. There were about 12 couples there last night including us. One girl had her sister with her, one couple had different last names, everyone else seemed to be married. As far as I could tell anyway. All about our age, all on their first baby. The class was good. We talked about the signs of labor and when to call the doc. What's normal, what to look for, and how to breath through contractions. We even laid on the floor at the end. The girl laid down on her side and the partner sat behind them massaging different parts based on where tension will be during labor. It was kinda cool. Dave did great :) haha. I did feel bad b/c the teacher kept saying "husbands" or "daddies" and the one girl had her sister there. She should have just kept saying partners.

It hit me around 3:00 yesterday that b/c class started at 6 and went to 9 we were gona need to eat something before hand. So I called dave and told him we needed to eat before hand and we met at a wing place near the hospital at 5:15. (I left work a little early) Next week we're gona pack sandwiches and eat at the break.

Health: baby is moving and grooving today. I feel pretty good. But it's so different the morning v.s the afternoon. It gets much harder to get up and move around as the day goes on. My GD is under control. I have been doing really well with it and only went over that one time. The docs were very impressed with my food journal (not the content just the fact that I was doing it).

My shower is Saturday, very excited!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Yo dude! Updated belly pics please!! I'm feeling sad I wont see you at your Charleston Shower!!