Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's a GIRL!

Yesterday at 2:20 Dave and I met in the parking lot at the doctor's office. We were both smiling ear to ear. Dave even changed into nice shoes and put a sweater on for our big appointment. I can't even explain how I felt. I had stopped by McDonald's to get a coke to get the baby moving, but i wasn't sure when to drink it so i just brought it in with me. (ok i took one sip) We walk in and wait in the waiting room. We are joined by a women and her 4 year old son, who is pretty cute and shows us his age on his fingers.

We're up! They call our name and we go right into the ultrasound room. Dave is sitting on my left and the tech is on my right. I told her I brought the coke just in case, she said don't worry about it. She seemed very confident that she'd be able to see the sex. She puts on the jelly (from the warmed tube, NICE) and puts the ultrasound wand on my belly. Right away this little spine pops up on the screen. I couldn't believe it. It was so clear!! She moved around the baby and showed us the heart, the head, an arm and a leg. Well the baby did a tumble and the tech got a clear shot, and she says almost under her breath "looks like a girl to me"...I was like excess me?? She said yea it's a girl. I said are you sure. She said yes. So I asked how offend they get the sex wrong. She said she's never been wrong...ok well how long have you been doing this....10 years. OK got it. IT's a girl!!! We continued to watch her take all 50 photos that she needed to take. Little baby girl was moving all over and kept grabbing her feet. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I could have sat there for hours and watched her. Both Dave and I were in aw.

After the photos were done we waiting for Nurse Stone. We did the normal blood pressure and weight and went into a separate room. Nurse Stone said everything looks good and the tech was able to get all the photos she needed. She even said it was a perfect ultrasound. Looks like little baby girl cooperated. We had a few questions and just chatted for a bit. Dave and I went back to the house to let the puppies out (we're pet sitting for mom/dad) and left for babies r us.

We got some great news there as well. The car seat from Reena fits with the stroller I got a while back at the consignment shop! So we now have a make shift travel system! They don't match but hey, the price was right. We also were able to registrar for the pieces we needed for the breast pump the Kit gave me! Only possible mistake of the evening...letting Dave has the scan gun :) I checked this morning to go over what we registered for and there were a few items from the toy department I don't remember picking. We were pretty hungry after that so we grabbed some Mexican near by and headed home. We took turns calling people and everyone was so excited!

I just can't believe I'm going to have a daughter.


Erin said...

I still can't belive you're going to be a MOMMY!!! Maybe I'm teary eyed right what

Love the ultrasound photos - can't wait to get to meet her and hold her and squeeze her!!! :)

MarlaW said...

Congratulations!! Reading your post made me reflect on the day of my 20 week ultrasound when we found out Caleb was a boy, it was Christmas Eve day, last year.. what an awesome day that was.. thinking of it again brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for sharing your experience. I love reading your posts and am so excited for you guys.

MarlaW said...

P.S. I can't wait to take a look at all the cute girly things you picked at Babies R Us!!