Tuesday, December 22, 2009


What's with this heartburn?? I was totally under the impression this didn't start until the 3 trimester. Other then that and some fatigue I feel pretty good. I can't believe it's almost Christmas. I lost the entire month. I have no idea what happened to December.

This past weekend Dave and I saw Avator in IMAX 3D. It was amazing. Dave and Dad worked on the nursery and i can't believe how cool it's looking.


Erin said...

Since your digestive track is slightly "abnormal" to begin with, I'm not real surprised that you have early heartburn. Bummer. I wish I had a remedy but...I got nothin. Why don't you post something on your website with your other pregnant friends (obviously can't remember the name of it) and see if anyone else is having the same issue and has a remedy.

Rachelle said...

Major bummer girl. Glad to hear you are otherwise feeling awesome though! Maybe chewing gum after you eat? One of my natural mamas suggested it to me during the preggo days. Something about making you salavate and helping to dilute the acids. I dunno the science to it. Post some more pics of the room please!