I feel pretty good. I'm starting to feel a lot of stretching in my stomach. It's like that feeling where you ate too much and you think your stomach is going to pop. Except for me I get that feeling, then the next day I'm bigger. I had some lower stomach cramp/pain last night. So I'm guessing that part is only going to get worse. I'm going to try and up my Yoga and hopefully get the treadmill this weekend if it's not raining.
We don't have anything on the board this weekend except for working on the house and the baby's room. So nice. We are going to get the white couch from my sister and bring her the flower chair. (which should be a pretty good trade) The office/sitting area is getting there, the closets are an entirely different story. So I'm sure i'm going to have to tackle that at some point.
22 weeks! (took it this morning)

I'm sure your belly feels super weird...hopefully you and Dave will be able to feel her kick soon and see little hands, feet, elbows, etc on your tummy!!! I can't believe you're almost in your third trimester! I wish I could see you while you're pregnant!! Next time...Aren't you supposed to rub vitamin E on your tummy to help with stretch marks? Clearly I'm not an expert on the matter but I think you're supposed to do that...you should look into it. I love you and can't wait to meet your little lady and hold her and smell her and squeeze her and call you "Mommy!!" I'm SO excited!!!!
Curel Pregnancy lotion worked for me.. it's super smooth and not sticky at all like vitamin E would be. I heard of vitamin E for scars.. like my lovely c-section scar.. but not stretch marks. Cocoa butter is what most women use but I couldn't stand the scent so I used the Curel Pregnancy cream instead.
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