Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Tuesday night something amazing happened. Miss Emery skipped both her night time feedings. She slept straight from 9PM to 6AM. What's even more amazing...she did it again last night. Dave and I both woke up around 5:30, the norm for her second feeding and were shocked. We checked to make sure she was ok...she was. It's sweet! I didn't even get her out of her bassinet until 8:00 this morning. She was just laying in there chillin. As long as she had her paci everything was good.

Most days she goes to my mom's house from 1-5, or 12:30-4:30. yesterday and today she's at my friend Sarah's house with Sarah's nanny Katrina. It was nerve racking dropping her off, but yesterday went really well. Katrina is great about text messaging me with what she's up to. Makes me feel so much better. But she's 9 weeks now and i need to expose her a little to non-family member care. It is nice having an entire day to make calls. I drop her off around 10 and i'll go get her around 4:30. From 12-1 I try and do my non call stuff (which includes writing this). So i can maximize call time. ahhh cold calls. Tonight i have tennis, and i'm pumped for that. it got canceled last week b/c of the weather. Tomorrow we have lunch with the girls, and then Adam and Lilly's wedding. Very exciting. Emery will be with miss Prisha.

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