Now that it's June, i'm gona be going full steam ahead with KMK Web. My mom is watching Emery in the afternoons from 1-5 so I can have 3 solid hours for phone calls and meetings. (i know you just did the math but it's 20 minutes in the car each way) So hopefully I can grab an hour in the mornings while she naps to set up my day and do anything that doesn't involve a phone. Can't make phone calls with the chance she could wake up and start screaming. Not very professional. So hopefully KMK will go big time and I can stay home with her in the mornings. Keep your eyes out for clients for me please!
Other then that things are good. Olivia and Dad just got back from Detroit for Baseball Bingo. They said it went great! Natalie and Trace come in July!!! That's exciting. We just found out Dave's good friend from NJ is having a baby in Jan. So good news all around.
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