Tuesday night something amazing happened. Miss Emery skipped both her night time feedings. She slept straight from 9PM to 6AM. What's even more amazing...she did it again last night. Dave and I both woke up around 5:30, the norm for her second feeding and were shocked. We checked to make sure she was ok...she was. It's sweet! I didn't even get her out of her bassinet until 8:00 this morning. She was just laying in there chillin. As long as she had her paci everything was good.
Most days she goes to my mom's house from 1-5, or 12:30-4:30. yesterday and today she's at my friend Sarah's house with Sarah's nanny Katrina. It was nerve racking dropping her off, but yesterday went really well. Katrina is great about text messaging me with what she's up to. Makes me feel so much better. But she's 9 weeks now and i need to expose her a little to non-family member care. It is nice having an entire day to make calls. I drop her off around 10 and i'll go get her around 4:30. From 12-1 I try and do my non call stuff (which includes writing this). So i can maximize call time. ahhh cold calls. Tonight i have tennis, and i'm pumped for that. it got canceled last week b/c of the weather. Tomorrow we have lunch with the girls, and then Adam and Lilly's wedding. Very exciting. Emery will be with miss Prisha.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Roll over
A few days ago I put Emery on her stomach and walked into the other room to grab something. Came back and she was on her back. First I had to remember if i really did put her on her back. Yes I have the mommy brain. So i flipped her back on her stomach and called for Dave. Of course she didn't do it again. So Monday the same thing happens and Dave is at work, so I grabbed the video camera and just hoped she'd do it again, and she did!
Monday, June 21, 2010
2 months old
Today Emery is 2 months old! She's so amazing! She is smiling at us (and the animals on her bouncy chair)daily. She even giggled a little the other day. She is doing really well during the day now, she only gets cranky right before she passes out. I think it's that idea that she might miss something. We're trying to do 12 hours by 12 weeks, but we're having some issues with feedings. I was pumping for a few days exclusively to make sure she was getting enough to eat, now she's not eating as much if i go back to the boob. So we're trying to work that out. I'm bringing her in tomorrow to the breastfeeding club to weigh her. As long as she's gaining weight we're good. She was 10 lbs 3 ozs at the doc last week. She got her first shots there as well. (NOT fun for anyone) poor little thing.
It's a little hard with house stuff sometimes. I feel like i either want to be with her if she's awake. So if i have any time at all without her, I feel like I should be working. And since I can work at any time of the day it's hard to get other things done. Like the laundry, or vacuuming. just a little venting. It's also been tough b/c Dave hurt his back/neck and he's in a lot of pain the last 2 weeks. I know it's frustrating him that he can't do much right now.
Ok, back to work, Emery is with Nana this afternoon.
It's a little hard with house stuff sometimes. I feel like i either want to be with her if she's awake. So if i have any time at all without her, I feel like I should be working. And since I can work at any time of the day it's hard to get other things done. Like the laundry, or vacuuming. just a little venting. It's also been tough b/c Dave hurt his back/neck and he's in a lot of pain the last 2 weeks. I know it's frustrating him that he can't do much right now.
Ok, back to work, Emery is with Nana this afternoon.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
7 weeks
Yesterday Emery was 7 weeks old. She is holding her head up more and we've caught a few more smiles. She slept last night from 10 to 2:30. We just got our new book "12 hours by 12 weeks" and we're starting the sleep training next week when she hits 8 weeks. A friend of mine did this and she had great success.
Dave and I went to Babies R Us last night. It was nice to have a little family outing. We got Emery a new toy and some bottles. She loves toys that play music. So that's what we got her. It's a cube that has all different instruments on it.
As for me, I'm doing KMK in the afternoons and just joined "Get Fit" on Daniel Island, it runs the entire summer and lets you test all kinds of classes for a very low price. I took my first class Tuesday night, a interval training type class, and I was so tired the next day. I think I'm going to try and take more classes closer to the weekends so i can nap. I have cardio tennis tonight at 6:00. I'm looking forward to it.
I have felt dizzy lately, i'm not sure what it is. I went back on birth control so that's the only thing i have to blame it on right now.
Dave and I went to Babies R Us last night. It was nice to have a little family outing. We got Emery a new toy and some bottles. She loves toys that play music. So that's what we got her. It's a cube that has all different instruments on it.
As for me, I'm doing KMK in the afternoons and just joined "Get Fit" on Daniel Island, it runs the entire summer and lets you test all kinds of classes for a very low price. I took my first class Tuesday night, a interval training type class, and I was so tired the next day. I think I'm going to try and take more classes closer to the weekends so i can nap. I have cardio tennis tonight at 6:00. I'm looking forward to it.
I have felt dizzy lately, i'm not sure what it is. I went back on birth control so that's the only thing i have to blame it on right now.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A few nights ago we caught a somewhat smile...then that same night we put her in her bassinet and both looked down and talked to her. We got a full smile! It was amazing. So we have had a few smiles here and there but not a lot.
She's doing great, she's so aware. It has been great.
Work: Well it's official I'm no longer with CMCI. So now it's KMK full time. My mom is taking her for a few hours each day so i can make calls. We'll see.
She's doing great, she's so aware. It has been great.
Work: Well it's official I'm no longer with CMCI. So now it's KMK full time. My mom is taking her for a few hours each day so i can make calls. We'll see.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
This past weekend was Memorial Day Weekend! I have two very best friends and they both came to visit me! It was amazing. Dom came in on Thursday and Erin came Saturday (she was supposed to get her Friday but US Airways had some issues). Dom cooked us dinner, Erin cleaned my house, you want to talk about good friends! Emery was very happy to meet both of them.

Now that it's June, i'm gona be going full steam ahead with KMK Web. My mom is watching Emery in the afternoons from 1-5 so I can have 3 solid hours for phone calls and meetings. (i know you just did the math but it's 20 minutes in the car each way) So hopefully I can grab an hour in the mornings while she naps to set up my day and do anything that doesn't involve a phone. Can't make phone calls with the chance she could wake up and start screaming. Not very professional. So hopefully KMK will go big time and I can stay home with her in the mornings. Keep your eyes out for clients for me please!
Other then that things are good. Olivia and Dad just got back from Detroit for Baseball Bingo. They said it went great! Natalie and Trace come in July!!! That's exciting. We just found out Dave's good friend from NJ is having a baby in Jan. So good news all around.
Now that it's June, i'm gona be going full steam ahead with KMK Web. My mom is watching Emery in the afternoons from 1-5 so I can have 3 solid hours for phone calls and meetings. (i know you just did the math but it's 20 minutes in the car each way) So hopefully I can grab an hour in the mornings while she naps to set up my day and do anything that doesn't involve a phone. Can't make phone calls with the chance she could wake up and start screaming. Not very professional. So hopefully KMK will go big time and I can stay home with her in the mornings. Keep your eyes out for clients for me please!
Other then that things are good. Olivia and Dad just got back from Detroit for Baseball Bingo. They said it went great! Natalie and Trace come in July!!! That's exciting. We just found out Dave's good friend from NJ is having a baby in Jan. So good news all around.
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