Thursday, April 15, 2010


My friend just asked me, so how long do you have now? my answer was oh a week from tomorrow....wait what?? I can't believe she'll be here that soon. If i don't go into labor by April 23, they will be inducing me the following week, most likely that Wednesday April 28th. They don't let GD girls go past 41 weeks at this practice. I really didn't want to get induced but so be it. I'm ready to meet her!

I woke up last night around 1:30 and was up until about 4:00. Little baby decided she was going to have a small dance party and I was having some contractions. (yes, all at the same time) I went back to sleep and slept until 11:00AM....nice. I didn't feel good at all when i got up, baby was in a weird position and I was in a lot of pain. Thank God for showers. They always make me feel better. She moved back to a normal position and I felt much better after.

The plummer is coming today to fix the toilet in our bathroom and our kitchen sink, so i had to tidy up a little. I started to feel much better after moving around a little bit, even got some laundry done. Dave's boss gave us tickets for tonight's family circle cup so that should be fun. Dave might come, but most likely it will be me and mom.

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