I had a really good day Tuesday and felt pretty good. We went to bed around 11:00, at 1:50AM I woke up and sprinted to the bathroom. I didn't make it. I soaked my shorts and left a trail. I thought ok, this isn't right something is up. I woke up Dave and told him I thought my water just broke and then I jumped in the shower to rinse off. I called my midwife and she called right back. I told her what happened and she said to take our time, but to go to the hospital. Dave showered and we double checked out bags and headed to the NEW hospital. It was now 3:00AM as we walked in through the ER. About 10 feet before the front door I soaked myself again. I walked in and they just pointed me to the restroom. There was a very nice nurse that brought me a robe and a bag for my clothes. Dave filled out our paperwork and we were sent upstairs. I managed to soak my robe on the way up. When we go to the 3rd floor they had our room ready, room 311. They joked with me that there was no question, yes my water broke. They checked me and i was one and half cm dilated. We had a long way to go, but I wasn't having contractions and was feeling pretty good. I text messaged mom, dad, nat and liv on our ride over. The morning went pretty quick and the next thing we knew it was 7AM. Dave called work to give them a heads up and we got word that Natalie was on her way to the airport.
Almost 9AM
At 8/9AM Nurse Stone (my midwife) came over to check me. I was 2 cm dilated. Not to much change. They said they were going to let my body do it's thing and see what it was like after lunch. I was having contractions at this point but nothing big. They told me I should walk around a little so i started doing laps around the nurses station. The first time it was just me and Dave, then my parents came to visit and walked with us.
Around lunch time Stone came back and said it was time to get this party started. They told me they were going to start pitocin. (which i have come to realize is a fantastic drug) They wanted to start the pit then get me my epidural. So around 2ish we started the pit. About 30 minutes later the contractions started to get going. (meanwhile my parents have been hanging with us and got Dave some food, Liv came at 11 and Natalie was in the air, arriving Charleston around 3:30)
me and Stone
We ran into one snag, the anesthesiologist got pulled into surgery and my epidural got delayed. There was about 2-3 hours that I was NOT a happy camper. There is a photo of me flicking off the camera but i'll keep that one out of the blog. Dad said in all the years he has been taking photos of me he can never remember me not smiling for the camera. The fam left to go pick up Natalie from the aripot. A good thing b/c i was miserable.
My epidural was in by about 4:30 and I started feeling great! Natalie was here and we all just hung out. about this time nurse stone came by to check me. I was 4cm! They said at that point it was about a cm an hour. So we all just chilled.
much happier! me and Dave
At 7:00ish I was checked again and i was 10cm!! The baby was still a little far up at -1 and Stone wanted to give her a chance to move down on her own, so we waited. at 7:30 she had moved to +2/3 and it was time to start pushing. The family went to the waiting room and it was just me, Dave, Stone and our nurse Kathy. at 7:50 Baby Emery joined our family!
Dave said I did an amazing job. (i just did what they told me to do) As soon as the baby came out they put her on my chest and did the suction and whipped her down while she was on my chest. Dave and I just stared at her. We both were pretty emotional at this point. I fed her for a bit and we just hung out the 3 of us before my family came back in. Emery was in the room with us the whole time, they gave her a little sponge bath a few hours later right in the room. She is beautiful!
dad is totally in love
meeting Nana
About 11:00PM after my family left they moved us to our new room on the other side of the floor. The beds are very comfortable. I fed her and they took her to the nursery for a few hours. After they brought her back she stayed with us the rest of the night. All three of us were pretty tired and slept great.
All day Thursday we just hung out here at the hospital. I was soooo hungry Thursday morning, they didn't let me eat all day Wednesday just in case we landed in the OR. I called Prisha and she went to IHOP for us! It was sooooooo good. My family came and hung out and brought us lunch. they were here most of the day.
Emery did great all day and fed like a champ! (go Emery!) My leg started to hurt a lot that night and prevented me from sleeping. I took a little walk to see if i could walk it off and then took some pain meds and finally got to sleep.
Dr. Davis, Emery's doctor came by this morning and said she looks great and she's free to go home today. However, Stone is keeping me here b/c of my leg pain. They are sending someone up to look at in and see what's going on. So Dave and I are just chilling with Emery in the room today.
1 comment:
Great birth story! Congratulations on such a beautiful baby! She looks just like you Melyssa. Please post more pics when you have a free moment. So glad everyone got to the hospital safely. Sounds like the hospital is amazing and have quite a new set up in each room.
Way to push girl!
Love ya.
Welcome Emery!
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