Monday, January 11, 2010

Can't keep my eyes open

A few days ago it started. This unbelievable fatigue. I mean it's the kind of tired that I remember getting after 3 days of straight parting in college. In those cases there was very little sleep and a lot of alcohol involved. But wait...i'm going to bed at 10 and drinking nothing water. I actually fell asleep at work on Friday, for a good 15 minutes. Just right in my chair, eyes closed, out!

So over the weekend I took a few naps throughout the day and went to bed early. Dave and I played Wii for about 10 minutes and I had to take a 2 hour nap. Are you serious?? My dad and mom both keep telling me it's the baby going through a growth spurt. I just hope this doesn't keep it's pace for the next 3 months. There's no way I'll make it. I'm sure to get fired if i keep falling asleep at work. It's that kind of tired where I just can't get off the couch. I was laying there yesterday and I could see my water bottle but could not get the strength to reach for it. I was laying on dave at one point and when he moved I just fell flat on my face into the couch. He was like "ahhh are you ok?" without even moving i was like "yea" and fell back asleep.

There has been some nausea today and a headache. They seem to both have gone away with lunch. I had steamed veggies and chicken with white rice.

Saturday morning Dave and I went to our neighbor's house Elizabeth. She is getting her house ready to sell and had some baby stuff for us. She gave us this beautiful bassinet! We had gotten one from Kit, but it's missing some hardware that we couldn't find anywhere so this will be perfect. Elizabeth also gave us a baby bathtub, a huge bag of clothes, 2 baby monitors, a few blankets and a crib sheet. It was so nice!

I went through all little J's clothes last night to see what we have so far. I have 32 0-3 month oneies.... and that's just the short sleeve ones. She has pajamas, 2 bathing suites, and a few really cute outfits. I didn't registrar for anything 0-3 months at all. I did put a few 12 month items on there but that's it. She will have plenty of clothes for her first few months for sure! I even have some clothes for her at 18 months....crazy!


Rachelle said...

So is litte "J" the first letter of her name or just your last name?

Erin said...

Sorry you're so sleepy! I'm sure it won't last 3 entire months though...hang in there! Sounds like she's getting all sorts of cute stuff! The bathing suits sound so cute!!!!