Friday, January 29, 2010

28 weeks 3rd Trimester

So today marks my 3rd trimester. I still can't believe I've been pregnant for 7 months. It doesn't seem that long. I'm due in 12 weeks! Holy crap! This week has been good at work, I've been doing some stuff for Balanced Bride and I think i have a handle on the laundry situation at home.

As for the nursery, we are rocking and rolling. Last night we painted the squares on one wall to see how it would look. Half way through I asked Dave if we were in over our heads, he responded, very possible. But about 3 hours later when we pulled off the tape, it looked awesome! So we'll be working on that tonight and this weekend! Hopefully by the end of the weekend it will be done!!! Then we just have to shampoo the carpets and set up the crib.

Health: I had some pain in my ligament at the top of my right leg on Wednesday. It got to the point I was limping by about 4:00. I called the doc and she said to go home and take it easy. Yesterday I felt better and the pain didn't get bad until about 6:30. Today i'm feeling pretty good and I have super comfy shoes on. I'm trying to go to the bathroom more often so I'm not in a crazed state and running when I really have to go. I don't think the running helped. The last few nights I've slept pretty well and I have a good about of energy and focus this week.

After the nursery is set up and the little clothes are in the closet, I'm going to start pulling stuff together for the March 13th DI Balloon Garage Sale. It happens on Daniel Island twice a year. We'll be taking over mom/dad's garage that day and selling all our stuff. Then whatever doesn't sell is going straight to the Good Will. We have a ton of stuff that we need to get out of our house. So hopefully this will give me motivation to get it all together and into the garage.

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