So today marks my 3rd trimester. I still can't believe I've been pregnant for 7 months. It doesn't seem that long. I'm due in 12 weeks! Holy crap! This week has been good at work, I've been doing some stuff for Balanced Bride and I think i have a handle on the laundry situation at home.
As for the nursery, we are rocking and rolling. Last night we painted the squares on one wall to see how it would look. Half way through I asked Dave if we were in over our heads, he responded, very possible. But about 3 hours later when we pulled off the tape, it looked awesome! So we'll be working on that tonight and this weekend! Hopefully by the end of the weekend it will be done!!! Then we just have to shampoo the carpets and set up the crib.
Health: I had some pain in my ligament at the top of my right leg on Wednesday. It got to the point I was limping by about 4:00. I called the doc and she said to go home and take it easy. Yesterday I felt better and the pain didn't get bad until about 6:30. Today i'm feeling pretty good and I have super comfy shoes on. I'm trying to go to the bathroom more often so I'm not in a crazed state and running when I really have to go. I don't think the running helped. The last few nights I've slept pretty well and I have a good about of energy and focus this week.
After the nursery is set up and the little clothes are in the closet, I'm going to start pulling stuff together for the March 13th DI Balloon Garage Sale. It happens on Daniel Island twice a year. We'll be taking over mom/dad's garage that day and selling all our stuff. Then whatever doesn't sell is going straight to the Good Will. We have a ton of stuff that we need to get out of our house. So hopefully this will give me motivation to get it all together and into the garage.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
So yesterday was the first day I was really uncomfortable. It just felt like there wasn't enough room in my body. I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I would roll to one side and feel like i couldn't breath and then roll to the other and the heartburn would kick in. It was quite comical. I finally fell asleep and got comfy right before the alarm went off. Ahh how i love it when that happens.
I feel pretty good today. We have our second interview with a predication today at 11:30 and i'm headed up to Babies R Us to order the dresser for our nursery. I found a 20% off coupon that can only be used in the store, so i'm getting mom's credit card and headed up that way. She can't drive yet, and this coupon will save like $80. So it's wroth it for me to make the trip up there. I also have to buy some baby hangers. :) they are so little and cute!
Both Dave an I were wipped out last night so we made shrimp fajitas and watched "how i met your mother". Depending on our energy level tonight we'll try and get some of the lines done in the nursery. I just can't wait until it's finished so there is some place to put all her little things.
I feel pretty good today. We have our second interview with a predication today at 11:30 and i'm headed up to Babies R Us to order the dresser for our nursery. I found a 20% off coupon that can only be used in the store, so i'm getting mom's credit card and headed up that way. She can't drive yet, and this coupon will save like $80. So it's wroth it for me to make the trip up there. I also have to buy some baby hangers. :) they are so little and cute!
Both Dave an I were wipped out last night so we made shrimp fajitas and watched "how i met your mother". Depending on our energy level tonight we'll try and get some of the lines done in the nursery. I just can't wait until it's finished so there is some place to put all her little things.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
27 week Photos
Dave took a whole bunch of photos of me Friday night. It was very funny. These were two of my favs.
Friday night Dave put up the new closet and took down the baseball fan. (this was a sad moment for the former baseball room) Saturday he and my dad painted all the trim in the room, without any tape. It was very impressive. This morning, Sunday, they painted the top of the room. Dave also put up the new fan and installed a dimmer. He started making the lines for the checkers and we'll have those all set by next weekend.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dance Party
Well tomorrow is the 27 week mark. A very exciting one b/c the baby can live outside the womb at 27 weeks. Let's hope this doesn't happen, but hitting 27 is good!
At about 4AM in the morning little baby starts to have what we call "Dance Party". She went to town this morning. Moving and shaking all over the place. It was so funny. I could even see her moving in my morning meeting with my boss this morning. She makes it very hard to pay attention to anything but her....why does that sound familiar.
I've been keeping up with the stool softener and i haven't had any trouble in that department lately. Been a little tired lately but over all doing great. I hit 140 this morning on the scale, that was crazy! But i'm on track weight wise so I feel good about it. I've had a number of people tell me I'm all belly. (always a good thing) I've also had people laugh and say, holy shit you still have 3 months to go??? you're gona be huge...this is also very true.
Dave finished the crown molding while I was in NOVA last weekend and we're gona be painting this weekend. We are also going to finish the closet and remove the old fan and put the new one up. Dad/River is coming over to help Dave and mom and I are gona play Wii and look at little clothes. Mom is doing better from her surgery and got her staples out yesterday. She is moving around pretty well but get tired easy from all the extra effort it takes to do normal stuff and from the pain. But she's a VERY impressive lady (which we all knew) and is recovering at a rapid pace.
OH! side note on my crazy NC cousin. So I mentioned the dirty house comment a few posts back. Well apparently there were 2 more incidents while they were here. Her husband thanked my father for dinner out....BEFORE the check even came. Now you have to remember there are 4 of them, and 2 of my parents. My father just kinda looked at him like, "what?". The other was the lovey card they gave my mother. At no point did they acknowledge that it was bad timing for them to come down due to my mother's surgery. Instead they say "Glad we were able to keep your mind off your surgery" HAHA. The level of self-centeredness is quite amusing. So there you have it. I think we're out of town next time they visit...whenever that will be.
At about 4AM in the morning little baby starts to have what we call "Dance Party". She went to town this morning. Moving and shaking all over the place. It was so funny. I could even see her moving in my morning meeting with my boss this morning. She makes it very hard to pay attention to anything but her....why does that sound familiar.
I've been keeping up with the stool softener and i haven't had any trouble in that department lately. Been a little tired lately but over all doing great. I hit 140 this morning on the scale, that was crazy! But i'm on track weight wise so I feel good about it. I've had a number of people tell me I'm all belly. (always a good thing) I've also had people laugh and say, holy shit you still have 3 months to go??? you're gona be huge...this is also very true.
Dave finished the crown molding while I was in NOVA last weekend and we're gona be painting this weekend. We are also going to finish the closet and remove the old fan and put the new one up. Dad/River is coming over to help Dave and mom and I are gona play Wii and look at little clothes. Mom is doing better from her surgery and got her staples out yesterday. She is moving around pretty well but get tired easy from all the extra effort it takes to do normal stuff and from the pain. But she's a VERY impressive lady (which we all knew) and is recovering at a rapid pace.
OH! side note on my crazy NC cousin. So I mentioned the dirty house comment a few posts back. Well apparently there were 2 more incidents while they were here. Her husband thanked my father for dinner out....BEFORE the check even came. Now you have to remember there are 4 of them, and 2 of my parents. My father just kinda looked at him like, "what?". The other was the lovey card they gave my mother. At no point did they acknowledge that it was bad timing for them to come down due to my mother's surgery. Instead they say "Glad we were able to keep your mind off your surgery" HAHA. The level of self-centeredness is quite amusing. So there you have it. I think we're out of town next time they visit...whenever that will be.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Virginia Shower
What an amazing weekend! Not only did I get to see all my VA friends, I got to spend time with most of them. Friday night I went out to dinner with Bec and Erica, Erica had to leave early so Bec and I stayed and chatted. We finished dinner at guessed it RIO!! and walked over to Baby Gap where I fell in love with this little pear dress. I didn't buy it b/c I told myself (and dave beat it into me) no buying clothes for baby. I did buy a little jacket with the justification that it was a practical buy and on super sale $7. Bec drove me home and I hung with Carole for a little while and went to bed. The next morning Carole and I went to get our nails done. She treated! It was pretty sweet because I really needed it. We went back to Carole's house where livvy picked us up for the shower.
The shower was at Sarah's condo complex. She reserved a room in the lobby that was really beautiful. Everyone came within about 15 minutes of us being there. It was great to see everyone. We talked and ate and opened presents and played bingo. It was great.
Saturday night Beth, Sarah and I went to Rio. Beth had to go early so after dinner Sarah and I walked around town center and then went back and hung out at her place. She drove me home and went over to her parents house for a bit.
Sunday morning Beth and I grabbed breakfast at ihop and she took me to Nordstroms Rack, where Erica met up with me and we tried on at least 50% of the store. We had a blast. I bought some little baby shoes (i know i know) a pair of shoes for me, a dress and a shirt. Erica got a ton of super cute dresses. We went to Red Robin for lunch and OMG I forgot how good it was. She took me back to Carole's where we had homemade dinner with Livvy's friends Sally & Jackie and their boyfriends. It was really good to see them. Liv and I drove home Monday morning.
Health: Overall still doing really good. Having some trouble breathing, between this congestion and not having full lung capacity, it's tricky getting a full breath. It's worst laying down, not so bad when i'm just sitting or standing. The stairs having been winding me lately. (so pathetic)
The shower was at Sarah's condo complex. She reserved a room in the lobby that was really beautiful. Everyone came within about 15 minutes of us being there. It was great to see everyone. We talked and ate and opened presents and played bingo. It was great.
Saturday night Beth, Sarah and I went to Rio. Beth had to go early so after dinner Sarah and I walked around town center and then went back and hung out at her place. She drove me home and went over to her parents house for a bit.
Sunday morning Beth and I grabbed breakfast at ihop and she took me to Nordstroms Rack, where Erica met up with me and we tried on at least 50% of the store. We had a blast. I bought some little baby shoes (i know i know) a pair of shoes for me, a dress and a shirt. Erica got a ton of super cute dresses. We went to Red Robin for lunch and OMG I forgot how good it was. She took me back to Carole's where we had homemade dinner with Livvy's friends Sally & Jackie and their boyfriends. It was really good to see them. Liv and I drove home Monday morning.
Health: Overall still doing really good. Having some trouble breathing, between this congestion and not having full lung capacity, it's tricky getting a full breath. It's worst laying down, not so bad when i'm just sitting or standing. The stairs having been winding me lately. (so pathetic)
Photos from the shower
Monday, January 11, 2010
Can't keep my eyes open
A few days ago it started. This unbelievable fatigue. I mean it's the kind of tired that I remember getting after 3 days of straight parting in college. In those cases there was very little sleep and a lot of alcohol involved. But wait...i'm going to bed at 10 and drinking nothing water. I actually fell asleep at work on Friday, for a good 15 minutes. Just right in my chair, eyes closed, out!
So over the weekend I took a few naps throughout the day and went to bed early. Dave and I played Wii for about 10 minutes and I had to take a 2 hour nap. Are you serious?? My dad and mom both keep telling me it's the baby going through a growth spurt. I just hope this doesn't keep it's pace for the next 3 months. There's no way I'll make it. I'm sure to get fired if i keep falling asleep at work. It's that kind of tired where I just can't get off the couch. I was laying there yesterday and I could see my water bottle but could not get the strength to reach for it. I was laying on dave at one point and when he moved I just fell flat on my face into the couch. He was like "ahhh are you ok?" without even moving i was like "yea" and fell back asleep.
There has been some nausea today and a headache. They seem to both have gone away with lunch. I had steamed veggies and chicken with white rice.
Saturday morning Dave and I went to our neighbor's house Elizabeth. She is getting her house ready to sell and had some baby stuff for us. She gave us this beautiful bassinet! We had gotten one from Kit, but it's missing some hardware that we couldn't find anywhere so this will be perfect. Elizabeth also gave us a baby bathtub, a huge bag of clothes, 2 baby monitors, a few blankets and a crib sheet. It was so nice!
I went through all little J's clothes last night to see what we have so far. I have 32 0-3 month oneies.... and that's just the short sleeve ones. She has pajamas, 2 bathing suites, and a few really cute outfits. I didn't registrar for anything 0-3 months at all. I did put a few 12 month items on there but that's it. She will have plenty of clothes for her first few months for sure! I even have some clothes for her at 18 months....crazy!
So over the weekend I took a few naps throughout the day and went to bed early. Dave and I played Wii for about 10 minutes and I had to take a 2 hour nap. Are you serious?? My dad and mom both keep telling me it's the baby going through a growth spurt. I just hope this doesn't keep it's pace for the next 3 months. There's no way I'll make it. I'm sure to get fired if i keep falling asleep at work. It's that kind of tired where I just can't get off the couch. I was laying there yesterday and I could see my water bottle but could not get the strength to reach for it. I was laying on dave at one point and when he moved I just fell flat on my face into the couch. He was like "ahhh are you ok?" without even moving i was like "yea" and fell back asleep.
There has been some nausea today and a headache. They seem to both have gone away with lunch. I had steamed veggies and chicken with white rice.
Saturday morning Dave and I went to our neighbor's house Elizabeth. She is getting her house ready to sell and had some baby stuff for us. She gave us this beautiful bassinet! We had gotten one from Kit, but it's missing some hardware that we couldn't find anywhere so this will be perfect. Elizabeth also gave us a baby bathtub, a huge bag of clothes, 2 baby monitors, a few blankets and a crib sheet. It was so nice!
I went through all little J's clothes last night to see what we have so far. I have 32 0-3 month oneies.... and that's just the short sleeve ones. She has pajamas, 2 bathing suites, and a few really cute outfits. I didn't registrar for anything 0-3 months at all. I did put a few 12 month items on there but that's it. She will have plenty of clothes for her first few months for sure! I even have some clothes for her at 18 months....crazy!
Friday, January 8, 2010
25 Weeks
So I say to Dave last night, Hey i'm 25 weeks tomorrow! and he says, that means she's coming in 15 weeks. Crap! We need to get the nursery done, and oh about 20 million other things. The holiday break wasn't much of a chance to get things done. Dave was originally going to have 2 full weeks off, but due to his projects that didn't happen. So this weekend we're gona do what we can to prep the room so that next weekend Dad can paint.
My mom is at home now, got home last night from the hospital. I'll be over there most of the weekend chilling with her. She is doing really great and she'll be working with her PT over the next few weeks to get her knee moving.
Health: Yesterday I was exhausted, then I had Wendy's for lunch. I made the mistake of looking up the burger and fries online to see how many calories they were. Yea i had a 1100 cal lunch. YUCK! That won't happen again. Needless to say I felt like poop by 3:00 and went home at 3:30. I took a 2 hour nap, woke up to eat dinner and hang with Dave and went back to bed. I feel much better today, but i have a feeling that the extreme exhaustion is just getting started. Not quite sure how this is going to work out, but i'm trying to get to work on time to give myself a little more flexibility in the afternoons. I should really bring in a sleeping bad and pillow and just nap in my office on the floor. (i'm sure my boss would love this idea)
Otherwise i've been on ebay a lot looking for little girl clothes and I've been updating my registry reason really I just like looking at stuff I want. My Virginia shower is next weekend and I'm super excited to see everyone! Liv and I are driving up on Friday morning, and the shower is on Saturday. Sunday I think we're going to Tyson's. I miss Tyson's. There is no Nordstroms in Charleston. bummer.
Taken today
My mom is at home now, got home last night from the hospital. I'll be over there most of the weekend chilling with her. She is doing really great and she'll be working with her PT over the next few weeks to get her knee moving.
Health: Yesterday I was exhausted, then I had Wendy's for lunch. I made the mistake of looking up the burger and fries online to see how many calories they were. Yea i had a 1100 cal lunch. YUCK! That won't happen again. Needless to say I felt like poop by 3:00 and went home at 3:30. I took a 2 hour nap, woke up to eat dinner and hang with Dave and went back to bed. I feel much better today, but i have a feeling that the extreme exhaustion is just getting started. Not quite sure how this is going to work out, but i'm trying to get to work on time to give myself a little more flexibility in the afternoons. I should really bring in a sleeping bad and pillow and just nap in my office on the floor. (i'm sure my boss would love this idea)
Otherwise i've been on ebay a lot looking for little girl clothes and I've been updating my registry reason really I just like looking at stuff I want. My Virginia shower is next weekend and I'm super excited to see everyone! Liv and I are driving up on Friday morning, and the shower is on Saturday. Sunday I think we're going to Tyson's. I miss Tyson's. There is no Nordstroms in Charleston. bummer.
Taken today

Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year!
No more 2009...enter 2010! Dave and I went down the street to a New Years party at one of our neighbors. We really don't know to many neighbors that well yet, but we're working on it. Most of our neighborhood is really nice. We've only run into one really bad egg (he curses and screams at his 4 year old kid in public), and one other that was just not nice (she had a "proud southern" mentally). But out of 110 homes, we're looking pretty good. Most everyone is really sweet.
Over the weekend we got a lot of stuff around the house done. piles of papers that were waiting to be filed are done, and the ever growing mount of laundry is finally gone...for now. Dave also cleaned the bathroom, a full top to bottom clean and it looks amazing! My cousins from North Carolina came down for a few days and stayed with my parents. The one day they came over my cousin made a very rude comment about my house and i don't think i've let it go yet. They stayed with us for a night last summer on their way to their vacation. (the only time they stayed with us) So she walks in upstairs and says "you must have really cleaned up for us last time" I was like excuses me?? I mean come on who says that? There was no good reason to say that. All it did was have me make a mental note "never let her in my house again". Not sure what she was going for, other then to make me feel bad about my house (did i mention it's the holidays, I'm pregnant, and we're re-organizing the entire upstairs??). Ok Ok i'm done. I'm on the road to letting it go.
Meanwhile this morning my mother went into surgery for her knee replacement. She was up at 4:30AM, at the hospital by 5:30AM in surgery by 7:30AM and out by 8:45AM. Talk about a trooper. I went to see her today on my lunch and I'm headed there in a few minutes when i leave work. She's doing great and the doctors are happy with the surgery. I'll be spending evenings with her this week.
Health: most of all I feel pretty good. My back hurts if i do pretty much anything, and the back side of me is still not up to par. I'm trying to be more active. We have been useing the Wii every day now. (that counts!) I can feel her move every day now and last night she kicked dave pretty good. Sometimes he can't tell what's her and what's me, but last night it was VERY clear it was her.
Over the weekend we got a lot of stuff around the house done. piles of papers that were waiting to be filed are done, and the ever growing mount of laundry is finally gone...for now. Dave also cleaned the bathroom, a full top to bottom clean and it looks amazing! My cousins from North Carolina came down for a few days and stayed with my parents. The one day they came over my cousin made a very rude comment about my house and i don't think i've let it go yet. They stayed with us for a night last summer on their way to their vacation. (the only time they stayed with us) So she walks in upstairs and says "you must have really cleaned up for us last time" I was like excuses me?? I mean come on who says that? There was no good reason to say that. All it did was have me make a mental note "never let her in my house again". Not sure what she was going for, other then to make me feel bad about my house (did i mention it's the holidays, I'm pregnant, and we're re-organizing the entire upstairs??). Ok Ok i'm done. I'm on the road to letting it go.
Meanwhile this morning my mother went into surgery for her knee replacement. She was up at 4:30AM, at the hospital by 5:30AM in surgery by 7:30AM and out by 8:45AM. Talk about a trooper. I went to see her today on my lunch and I'm headed there in a few minutes when i leave work. She's doing great and the doctors are happy with the surgery. I'll be spending evenings with her this week.
Health: most of all I feel pretty good. My back hurts if i do pretty much anything, and the back side of me is still not up to par. I'm trying to be more active. We have been useing the Wii every day now. (that counts!) I can feel her move every day now and last night she kicked dave pretty good. Sometimes he can't tell what's her and what's me, but last night it was VERY clear it was her.
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