My friend Monica heard about a HUGE consignment sale and signed up to attend. She was allowed to bring one guest and I got to go with her! It was at the Omar shrine center. Last night was for volunteers and first time mom's. I made out big time. I got four pairs of maternity pants (all for work), three baby outfits for gifts, 6 oneies for and 2 outfits for Baby X, a black sweater for myself, a boppie pillow, stroller, and a vibrating little bouncy chair. Grand total $109. CRAZY! Plus Monica gave me a pair of jeans that are too short for her. I'm very excited.
In other news, I got sick last night. Apparently Life cereal at 10PM was a bad idea. I must say I haven't thrown up that much in a very long time. I feel much better now...12 hours later. I'm officially 8 weeks today. So I'm guessing that was a marker.
I'm looking forward to seeing Melissa/Mike/Stella this weekend, we have dinner with them Sunday. We havn't seen them in forever.

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