Last night was my party down at Brewers on East Bay. We had about 30 people and a cake for about 75. Wow what a cake; two tiers! My dad did a slide show, that was very fun/funny. I got to meet one of my friend's daughters last night for the first time. What a cute baby. The best part of that was to hear her parents talk about how excited they are, how happy. It was so nice to hear. So many people keep telling Dave and I about how much it sucks, how you never sleep, how awful everything is. It gets OLD FAST! So here were our friends, parents of a 4 month old just happy. Saying that even the bad moments are great and joyful. It really made Dave and I happy. We can't wait to see them again.
It is funny what people tell you when they find out your pregnant. Most people are excited for you, some show pity on you. Some tell you all about their birth experience, which is good or bad. Some give you some really good and helpful advice. I was given the names of two books that I should read about sleeping and schedules for babies. Both sound like a good read. I'm interested to hear how the advice/comments continue and increase as I start to show.
I do know one thing for sure. I am so excited about being a mom, and Dave is just as (if not more) excited about being a dad. We have always talked about having kids. Always smile when we see families together.
Tonight for my birthday, Dave is giving me my BIG present and we're getting Japanese food to go. We're going to eat it in front of the TV and watch a movie together. I couldn't ask for a better evening.
Health Update: I am tired. Very tired. I feel dizzy a lot during the day. Today all i want to do is sleep. I went to bed way to late last night. I am scheduled to go work out with my dad after work, so we'll see how i feel. But no morning sickness and I'm staying somewhat focused today.

We try to ask people for only happy stories. We were sick of hearing how crazy we are for choosing a natural birth and how our lives will be over when the baby arrives. We know life will be different, but we like to think it will be better and life is what you make of it, right?!
What a cake is right!!! Whew my mouth is watering just looking at the photographs! Sounds like a great party.
You and Dave will be the best parents ever. One of the best parts of parenthood is the way you and your husband grow together in the next chapter of your lives. At the end of the day it's all about your family unit- and the village your surround yourself with.
When people told me stories I tried to store the lesson trying to be taught for future advice (because some does come back in handy- many times actually) or ignore it completely. Every kid is different and so is every parenting experience. there is nothing like the day your kid reaches over an gives you a big hug or kiss. NOTHING can top those moments no matter how the rest of the day goes.
Sounds like you are enjoying the moment, wonder and love that IS being a parent.
Just got off the phone with my SIL and it made me think of you... she was just saying how much of a contrast her parenting is now that her kids 4 and 1.5. She was explaining how much more of a secure mom feels like she is. She mentioned that enjoys the bit older phase. It just made me think of you because I was thinking of all the stories you have heard. Sometimes people aren't into the baby stage but make rock star parents when the kids get a bit older. Just a thought...
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