Friday, August 21, 2009


My Dad says we have "bumps" throughout the day. Some big, some small. I had a bump yesterday due to an issue at work. The short of it, someone found my personality to be somewhat abrupt and overpowering in a company training session. BUT after an hour of venting to Dave (while getting him worked up too) I felt much better. I bounced into work this morning thinking, life is pretty damn good. No need to worry about what one person thinks of me.

I started off eating right...then it went very wrong. I had some grapes and a pepper for an afternoon snack. Then on our way back from picking up my shoes at the shoe repair guy, we stopped at McDonalds. Yes, it was good, but i'll pay for it. I actually had someone (the security officer at my work) ask me if I was expecting yesterday b/c she said i was showing. That's not baby, that's fat. :) haha. I'm sure had i not been pregnant that would have ruined my day. There is no way i'm showing, but i am bloated like a mother! So who knows.

I talked to my friend this morning on my ride in (one of the few close friends that knows). I can't stop smiling. I want to decorate the nursery, pick out all the little clothes, and all that stuff. I'm so excited! I have always had this picture in my mind of me and Dave walking around downtown with a kid on his shoulders and one in a stroller. I told him he HAS to be faster then them! This is key. I've seen some crazy fast kids take off at the beach. Man, little legs can really move.

All and all, really looking forward to tomorrow, a full day with nothing planned but reading up in our new book and hanging with Dave. (maybe the beach!)

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