Last week I got on G-chat and sent an identical message to five of my girlfriends, including one of my sisters. The question, how long is your cycle? Most of them said 4-5 weeks. I did some research on the net, average women is 28 days. The range is 24-35 days. That said, Saturday (8/15) was day 35 with no period. So on day 36 I took a pregnancy test at 8:30AM in the morning. I was actually pretty positive i wasn't pregnant. Most women come off the pill and it takes 6 months to a year to even get on a normal period cycle. So here I am half asleep, Dave is already downstairs when the second blue line starts to peek through. Somewhere between panic, excitement, and disbelief I ran to the stairs and told Dave he needed to come back upstairs. He rounded the corner into the bathroom, saw me standing over the test looking intently down at it. With a few words I'm not really going to repeat he said Holy S, are you pregnant! I looked up and said I think so. He looked like someone just gave him a cupcake, he lifted me up and and kissed me. We're having a baby.
First Test at 8:30AM
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