A boy! I didn't know Ferber Girls made boys!
So yesterday I go in for my monthly anointment. I go into the little nurse room with Karen, my nurse. I love Karen! She even visiting me in the hospital when I had Emery. So I joking say to Karen "you're not really going to make me wait an whole month to find out the sex right?" I know the rules. You get two ultrasounds per pregnancy unless something is wrong. So i knew there was no chance. So Karen says "well let me talk to Barbara" (my midwife). I'm thinking sweet, maybe they can do it a week earlier. So we continue with our questions and do the blood pressure, and Kelsey walks by, my favorite ultrasound tech. I didn't get a chance to say hi b/c she was with a patient. Karen brings me to my room so i can wait for Barbara. A few minutes later Kelsey comes in to say hi. I jumped up and hugged her and we got to catch up. Barbara comes in and we get to hear the heartbeat, it was amazing! I could listen to that all day long...then she says, Karen is checking with Kelsey to see if we can sneek you in to see the sex! TODAY!! So i start texting and calling Dave like crazy. no answer. Well Gene (my other midwife) came in that day to get some papers from Barbara. So I started chatting with Gene. Karen comes back and says Kelsey is almost out of her ultrasound and asked if i got a hold of Dave yet, so i call him one more time and he finally answers...Karen comes back over and says Kelsey said yes, she can do it in 5 minutes!!! So i tell Dave they can do the ultrasound ... he says what time...i say RIGHT NOW! So Dave jets over to the doctor's office (i'm sure he was flying) and as soon as i walked in we went right into the Kelsey's room and within seconds found a little penis! I couldn't believe it. Emery is going to have a little brother!!!
As for Emery she's doing great. Changing every day. She understands so much now. She will walk into the pantry and then ask to be picked up so she can show you want she wants off the top shelf. She dances all the time, mostly to techno....haha just like her mommy. And the other day grabbed my hands so i would dance with her. It was amazing. I just can't get enough of her. She is in the big tub now for bath time and is getting pretty comfortable in there. Her sleeping has been good and she's completely off the boob. I really wanted to have a few months between them breastfeeding so she doesn't get upset with the new baby. I'm sure she might want to nurse again, and that's fine. we'll see.
Dave and I are both very happy with her new school. They are just really amazing over there. We're very lucky.
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