Friday, December 24, 2010


Tomorrow is Emery's first Christmas....and she won't remember a thing. In face she'll try and eat the wrapping paper.

There are these little moments with her that i feel...I can't describe it. Just amazing. She laughs and giggles. Then other times she just puts her head on my shoulder like it's just us. Other mom's can tell you 1,000 times how much they love their kids, but it doesn't even come close to this. You can't put this into words. There is this little girl that lives in my house that thinks i'm the coolest person in the world....and all i want to do is be with her. I'm happiest in the mornings when it's just the three of us lying in bed. I love it. I love being with my two favorite people and just hanging out.

I'm really excited about tomorrow. Dave made dinner tonight, he did the seven fishes. It was AMAZING! He even made coconut shrimp just for me! His are so good I don't even bother ordering them out anymore. It used to be the first thing i went to on a menu. Now I don't bother, because they don't even come close to his.

Natalie, Livvy, Carole and Enzo are all in town!! It's so great having everyone here. I feel bad that Dave's family couldn't be with us. I know he misses them.

..........more to come tomorrow.

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