Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh my

So Dave went into Emery's room this morning to get her from her crib....she was sitting up. Yes that's right she can now go from stomach to back to crawl position to sitting up. She tries to pull herself up on us too. Great, 6 months and all she wants to do is stand up. .... we are in trouble!

It's been really amazing lately b/c i can leave her by herself. I set up a blanket in the middle of the family room and put her toys on it. She can just sit there and entertain herself for quite some time. Enough time for me to put food away, or make dinner. She is complete content. My mom and I were talking about it. Now i don't know if i'm making this up but I do wonder about the whole "baby-wearing" and co-sleeping. if those things make her feel more secure so she's able to be by herself. There must be a study out there somewhere....

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