Friday, February 19, 2010

31 Weeks today

9 weeks to go....think about that. it's crazy. single digits. I'm headed to lowes this weekend (hopefully) to get blinds for the nursery and paint for the guest bathroom. Mom and I are headed to babies r us and Michaels this weekend to get some decor for the nursery as well.

I'm a little off today. Just kinda out of it, little foggy. I'm really looking forward to sitting on the couch tonight and catching up on the Olympics. I have been DVR'ing it all week and watching when i can. Dave caught up the past two nights when i wasn't home. Last night I had dinner with Prisha and the night before i had yoga. It was so great to see Prish, it was a long time coming. And i LOVE my yoga class. I already made a new friend...her name...Melissa. The class is real yoga, not some BS gym yoga crap. I didn't realize how much I missed real yoga.

I am doing really good on my new diet. I got my highest number today coming in at 117. That would be b/c I tried to have an entire banana at breakfast v/s the half i'm allowed. (it was good though) But even at 117 I didn't break my limit of 120. That's the no-no zone. So a full week in and I am starting to miss ice cream less and less. Hopefully the weaning off will come in handy post baby. I have only gained 16lbs since I got pregnant, but i was about 10lbs over where i wanted to be when I started this whole life creation thing. I'm going to purchase EA Active for Wii after the baby comes. Hopefully that will get me going.

I have been cooking a lot lately. I'm actually enjoying it. Though tonight I'm looking forward to nachos. Been craving them all day. I found a lowcarb chip and I'm just piling on beans and chicken on top.

Dave and I have been getting very excited and a little weird-ed out. (i mean we're having a baby, what??) His biggest fear has stayed the same since the beginning, her health. At this point I'm scared of a c-section. I really don't want to go into surgery. I'm at a little bit of a higher risk now with the GD. If she gets too big that's the concern. But over all I just can't wait for her to be here. I want to meet her and hold her. Dave is taking the first week off when she comes, so we'll be home together that week, which will be amazing...i'll miss the whole thing b/c i'll be in a sleepy haze, but i'm sure it will be amazing non the less.

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