Friday, February 26, 2010

8 weeks from today....OMG

8 weeks. That's 2 months. that's like soon. WOW. I wrote it down on the calendar at work, 8 weeks left in big letters. Time is flying. I will admit i do spend a lot of time on these days. Less time on Mainly due to the fact that my shower is NEXT WEEKEND! crazy. I did my birth plan today, just a mock up. I gota have Dave put his input in there this weekend.

We start out classes next week. We have 1-2 classes every week in March. "special Delivery" is the 3 day class. So we have it Tuesday nights for 3 weeks. Then we have Infant CPR, Newborn Class, and Breastfeeding class, they are all one night each. March 13 is the opening of the new hospital, not the official, just the event. so i think we're gona check out that too. Our tour is on April 7th. As of April 2, i'm considered full-term and it's "safe" for the baby to come. With as much as she moves i'm so curious when she'll get here. Dave says April 14/16, I have no clue. I'm hoping for April 21.

Health: I didn't sleep well last night, or the night before. So hopefully this weekend I'll get some rest. Last night i was just up. Haven't had that happen in a while. But as of right now (1:30 in the afternoon) i'm feeling ok. We'll see come 5:00 how i'm doing. Getting up to walk around is a little difficult. Once I get moving I'm fine but it takes a few steps to stop feeling cramped. Like when you sit WAY to long and then get up. But it's like that every time i get up. Very strange.

Dad and I are going to publix after work to finish our "layout of the store" list. Then I'm either gona eat at their house to go home and just hang out. Hopefully this weekend will be pretty low key. I have a lot of laundry to do and we're gona hang up the blinds for the nursery.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Moving and Grooving

She moves like crazy! It's so strange/amazing/weird/cool! I can see my belly move at times and it's very cool. But she leans on my bladder a lot so i have that OMG I'm gona pee my pants feeling daily. I have had a good bit of ligament pain the last week or so, and my back hurts at work. I'm really enjoying my yoga class. I think it's helping.

We've been watching the Olympics alot. Over the weekend Dave and I went down to the Venue to have lunch while Liv was working. It was nice, but i had a Shirley temple (what was i thinking??) So of course my blood sugar spiked after lunch. it was a 128. The highest every for me and the only time since I started taking my blood that i went over my limit (120). I spent most of Saturday with mom and dad and Dave went fishing. McRae came over Saturday night and we played Wii. We made it to the second level and couldn't get past the first step. She let me borrow EA Active and I'm really excited about getting that going. Dave and I went to lowes and got the blinds for baby's room and got a curtain rod for in there as well. I picked out the super cheap one that was nice, but very plain, we were almost out of the isle when Dave spotted the little girl section. It was down hill from there. So baby now has a butterfly curtain rod. It is pretty cute, and twice as expensive as the one i picked out :). She'll love it. I think we're going to put the rocking in her room and the glider downstairs in the family room if it will fit. Maybe the glider up in the upstairs area. Who knows.

Friday, February 19, 2010

31 Weeks today

9 weeks to go....think about that. it's crazy. single digits. I'm headed to lowes this weekend (hopefully) to get blinds for the nursery and paint for the guest bathroom. Mom and I are headed to babies r us and Michaels this weekend to get some decor for the nursery as well.

I'm a little off today. Just kinda out of it, little foggy. I'm really looking forward to sitting on the couch tonight and catching up on the Olympics. I have been DVR'ing it all week and watching when i can. Dave caught up the past two nights when i wasn't home. Last night I had dinner with Prisha and the night before i had yoga. It was so great to see Prish, it was a long time coming. And i LOVE my yoga class. I already made a new friend...her name...Melissa. The class is real yoga, not some BS gym yoga crap. I didn't realize how much I missed real yoga.

I am doing really good on my new diet. I got my highest number today coming in at 117. That would be b/c I tried to have an entire banana at breakfast v/s the half i'm allowed. (it was good though) But even at 117 I didn't break my limit of 120. That's the no-no zone. So a full week in and I am starting to miss ice cream less and less. Hopefully the weaning off will come in handy post baby. I have only gained 16lbs since I got pregnant, but i was about 10lbs over where i wanted to be when I started this whole life creation thing. I'm going to purchase EA Active for Wii after the baby comes. Hopefully that will get me going.

I have been cooking a lot lately. I'm actually enjoying it. Though tonight I'm looking forward to nachos. Been craving them all day. I found a lowcarb chip and I'm just piling on beans and chicken on top.

Dave and I have been getting very excited and a little weird-ed out. (i mean we're having a baby, what??) His biggest fear has stayed the same since the beginning, her health. At this point I'm scared of a c-section. I really don't want to go into surgery. I'm at a little bit of a higher risk now with the GD. If she gets too big that's the concern. But over all I just can't wait for her to be here. I want to meet her and hold her. Dave is taking the first week off when she comes, so we'll be home together that week, which will be amazing...i'll miss the whole thing b/c i'll be in a sleepy haze, but i'm sure it will be amazing non the less.

Monday, February 15, 2010

30+ Weeks

Last Friday was the 30 week mark, and i have to say is OMG 10 weeks left! It's crazy to think how close we are. At 36 weeks we have to install the car seat and pack our hospital bag. It seems so close. I can't wait, I'm so excited.

Baby Shower Charleston - Livvy, Nat, and Kit are planning my baby shower. The invitations went out last week and they look amazing. I have a copy of one in my photo slide show on the side of my blog. I'm so excited about it. Natalie and Trace are coming down from Boston, and I haven't seen Nat since Christmas and haven't seen Trace since May!

Gestational Diabetes - I am doing pretty good so far. I'm really hungry at times, but it's getting better. I found a pasta that is only 42 carbs per cup so i mixed that with some low carb sauce, veggies, and some chicken. It seemed to work fine. We have also been eating a lot of shrimp. The biggest problem I have run into is cheese. I really shouldn't have cheese b/c of the constipation factor, but you can only cut out so many foods! I have to find good lunch ideas that don't involve cheese. I have to plan better. I do like salad's with the right dressing but they take a lot of prep time. I'm getting there though. Dave grilled me up some chicken last night that should last me the entire week. I can put it over salad or make a sandwich. I even just added veggies and brown rice one day and that worked out fine. I need more ideas and to keep a running list so i don't panic. It's funny, i mean really, I can't have deli meat b/c I'm pregnant, I can't have cheese b/c i'm kinda lactose intolerant, I can't have pancakes b/c of the GD...i'm a mess! haha

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 2 of GD

So far so good. The finger prick hurts a little and sometimes bleeds for a bit, but it's really not the worst part at all. I kind of forgot about my mid-morning snack and ended up eating it late today which pushed my lunch back and I started to get tired. I also haven't gotten a really good night of sleep lately. Monday night after the John Mayer concert we went to sleep so late it really threw off the rest of my week. (but he WAS amazing)

Hopefully I'll get some sleep this weekend, we don't have much going on. I have a pretty small TTL. A lot of little stuff, like moving the yard sale stuff into the garage and work on some website stuff with Kit. The nursery is in pretty good shape. I do have a lot of laundry to do though.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gestational Diabetes

It's official I have Gestational Diabetes. I called the doc yesterday and got the news. I spoke with the patient educator on the phone and she asked me when I would like to come in. My response, well it's 2:50 right now, do you have anything today? She called in my kit to CVS and I picked it up and headed to her office. CVS took forever I'm sure it was because of the quick turn around time. Dave beat me to the office by about 10 minutes, and we met with her together. She taught me how to test my blood sugar with my new kit and gave us some sample menu's and a breakdown of what foods to stay away from.

I have a set diet based on carb intake. I can have 60 carbs at breakfast, lunch and dinner and 30 carbs for a snack. I can have 3 snacks a day. They really encourage the snacks b/c all my meals are getting smaller. After the meeting with the patient educator Dave and I hit Publix and spent an hour and 1/2 reading labels. We got dinner for last night (we did trout, shrimp and green beans), tonight (meat kabobs) and tomorrow (chicken). Dave grilled up some chicken for me to bring for lunch this week. I can make a chicken sandwich and some veggies/fruit for lunch. The trick is the bread. We found bread last night that is 10 carbs a slice! (all the others were around 20-30 a slice) So that means sandwiches are an option. But of course you can't have deli meat when you're pregnant. So chicken it is. They say to really up your protein, so my snack today will be cheese and crackers. I can have 10 crackers (22 carbs total) and cheese, which is very low in carbs. Of course I can't have to much cheese or I'll have to deal with other issues (of which the stool softer is currently taking care of).

Overall I'm ok. It's about the baby not about me, so I have no choice in the matter, which really does make it easier. If i don't get this under control her health is at risk and that's not going to happen! So i have a fancy journal where I'll log all my food and blood sugar readings. I'll learn alot about food over the next 10 weeks and most likey won't gain to much more weight (see I found a perk!). Who knows maybe Dave will loose a few pounds too. I had to go upstairs last night while he did what had to be done....threw out all my goodies. No more potato bread, no more eating icing out the can. (don't judge me, it was good)

Everything else is going great. My best friend just got engaged!!! so we'll be heading to Denver with little baby this summer! I can't wait. I already looked into flights and renting a car with a car seat. I have been sleeping ok lately, but the peeing is getting a little ridiculous. It's like trickery, you think you have to pee and you get there....and nothing. It's annoying. And it feels the same as when you really do have to go, so there's no way to tell.

we took some time off from the nursery, we have to put the blinds back up and Dave is going to stain her glider chair this month so we can get that up there. Other then that we're gona wait until after the shower to do much more.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sugar is bad

As of last Friday i am official 29 weeks pregnant. We have picked our pediatrician and have a daycare plan in place. The last few weeks have been pretty packed. Most of February is pretty low key and then in March we start with all our classes and I start seeing the doc weekly. We have 3 "special Delivery" classes, a newborn class, infant CPR, and breast feeding. All are about 3 hours each. So March will be pretty crazy with weekly classes. We get to visit the NEW hospital on April 7 to check it out! I'm very excited about it. I love newness. I hear the rooms are pretty big and of course everything will be super clean as they open on April 1.

I start Yoga this week, it's a 6 week class. I'm pretty excited about it.

Health: this past Thursday I went in for my normal check up and got my glucose test done. Very standard at this point in my pregnancy. Well I failed it. So yesterday, Monday, I went in to Quest at 8:30AM to take the advanced test. They took blood as soon as I got there. An entire vial from my arm (not the nice little finger prick at the doc). Then I drank the glucose drink. One hour after I finished the drink they took another vial of blood and again at 2 hours and 3 hours. I read my Dr. Oz book and listened to Pandora on my Iphone. It was actually very nice, besides the needle in my arm every hour. I should get my results today or tomorrow if I have gestational diabetes. Other then that the doc said I'm measuring well and the baby's heartbeat is strong.

I took a 29 week photo and i'll post it tonight. This past weekend Dave and I just chilled out, I didn't feel well on Friday so we took it easy and watched our netflix. Saturday we made lasagna and Sunday we went next door for the Superbowl. I got nothing done around the house, but it's ok. We needed a lazy weekend.

Monday, February 1, 2010


The nursery is done!!! I can't believe it. Paint is done, crib is up, dresser is in place, and yes already full. The new closet is sweet and already has her clothes in it. I ran out of hangers so I'm going to have to buy more.

Photos of nursery:

I'll put up more photos tonight, b/c I filled up her closet and dresser after these photos were taken.

Weekend breakdown:

Friday night Dave and I made dinner for Mom and Dad. Mom is feeling better but can't stand long enough to make dinner just yet. Olivia has been there all week helping Dad, but she had to work Friday.

Saturday morning we started at about 10:00AM on the nursery. Dave and I did the lines, then Dave painted them white. The white paint was not VOC-free so I had to be in the other room. After the lines were done we did some other house work and went to grab very late lunch at WildWings. It was really good, I was surprised. It's the new one by the new Walmart on 17. When we got home it was about 5:00 so Dave put up the tape over the lines and we started doing the squares. We did two coats. Dave did the green and i did the pink. We pulled off the tape at about 9:00PM and it looked great!

Sunday morning we played Wii and then I left for the Blood Drive. It was so cold standing in front of publix. I handed out about 100+ fliers and then did my shopping and went home. I was there for about 3 1/2 hours. Dave had gone to Babies R Us to pick up the dresser and got home shortly after me. Dad/River came over to help touch up some of the white paint and get the dresser upstairs. They also put together the crib. Dad/River went home about 4:00 and Dave and I finished up and I made hamburger casserole for dinner. We brought dinner over to my parents house about 6:30 ish and all ate together. Olivia was there and cleaned my casserole dish after dinner, you have no idea how nice that is, that thing is a bitch. When we got home I put the rest of the little colthes in the closet and in the dresser and started to go through some of the stuff in the guest bedroom. I still don't know where we're going to keep all this stuff!