Thursday, October 1, 2009


It started about 3 days ago. I'm not all. However if i don't eat, I crash. It's a fun little game. Nothing sounds appetizing. I love egg and cheese sandwiches. But when i tried to eat one, I could have sworn the cheese was bad, it wasn't. I am fighting to finish a meal, it's very strange for someone who loves food. This morning I actually had my "normal" stomach hunger pains. Fist time in a few days. I keep forgetting to pick up for watermelon, but i can eat that all day long.

Other then the food thing, I'm doing great. Melissa gave me an entire bag full of maternity clothes!! I'm having dinner with Kit tonight to talk about Balanced Bride and catch up. This weekend I have some BB stuff I gota get done and hopefully some house stuff.

Bad news, I didn't win the lottery. I bought a bunch of tickets the other day....and nothing! ok well one i had the power ball, a whopping $3. So I was very disappointed because I was going to use my winnings to buy a new car.

Ok back to facebook...ah I mean work.


MarlaW said...

Melyssa, when does your first trimester end? The lack of appetite is common in the first trimester. Take it as a blessing for now because you'll be eating and gaining a lot later =) My first trimester I lost 10 lbs!

Taryn said...

I actually never really got the huge appetite everyone told me I would get. I'm not starving myself, I'm just not hungry and NOTHING sounds good even still...
Just make sure youre gaining weight in general...there were weeks that I lost weight but over a month I gain overall. Talk to your dr about it if you're still worried.
Your body knows what you need, listen to it :-) No need to stuff yourself or force yourself to eat!

Erin said...

What's this whole "not hungry" nonsense? That's one of the scarest things I've heard about pregnancy so far now!