Monday, November 29, 2010

Very Thankful

We had an amazing Thanksgiving! Our next door neighbors Cyndi and Eric came over and my parents were here. Then for desert we had Heather and Clay and their girls and my friend McRae. It was so nice to be with such great people all day and what amazing food! Everything was so good. I even made homemade apple pie! (yea i made the crust too)

Emeryworld....she can pull herself up to standing...very quickly. On Saturday we went to Babies R Us to buy a baby gate for the top of the stairs. It's like that. she is moving all over the place. She's teething right now too so she's pretty miserable.

I struggle a lot with keeping her at a daycare. I feel guilty. I feel like if she's upset I should be there. Tiffany said she did really well last week. While that's great, my first thought was "you mean she hasn't been happy up till now??" I get it, the whole transition period, but the thought of my little girl upset just kills me. She is so happy at home. I know i need to work and I can't make calls with her here. I can't even bank on her nap to make calls b/c sometimes it's 2 hours and sometimes it's 30 mins. So I struggle.

It's fun though to watch her pull herself up on the couch and coffee table. Last night we skyped with Nat and Liv and they got to see her do it. She's so fun. I just love being with her. She cuddles now. She'll just lean into you and put her head on your shoulder and chill. I love it!! She's been eating food every night. We start on protein's at 9 months. So far we've done a lot of veggies.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

crawling and standing and eating...oh my

So she can definitely crawl. It's not a straight shot of point A to point B, which is what i thought crawling was. It's more of a crawl a little, stop, crawl a little more. with some yoga downward-facing-dog in the middle. She is moving that's for sure. And she loves wires. She tried to get my iphone charger in her mouth the entire time she was on my lap at the computer.

The last two weeks have been tough for Em. New daycare, she's teething, she doesn't sleep well....lots going on. So her eating hasn't been great. She won't take a bottle for Tiffany, she doesn't nurse very long with me BUT what we have discovered is she loves oatmeal! Dave and I eat dinner at the table and we put her in her bebe right on the table with us. a few days ago we noticed that she was doing this thing with her toung/mouth when she watched us eat. I went with it and quickly got her oatmeal ready. low and behold that was it. she was leaning towards the spoon!

Last night when i went into her room she was STANDING up in her crib, holding on for dear life. I think she scared herself. It was the second time I saw her do that. When i mentioned it to the doc yesterday (we thought she had an ear infection, she didn't) he said that's a 9-month skill... great. The doc also said she was teething. That explains the lack of interest in eating, the running nose and the slight fever.

Dave gave her a massage last night and i think it really helped her sleep. She woke up less (a little). I did a hybrid cry-it-out last night. I just stood next to her crib and told her she was ok. That calmed her down and then i left. she'd cry again, but i knew she was ok.

We're still going to playgroup every Thursday. We have the dogs this weekend b/c mom and dad are up in NY with liv. Wrigley was doing GREAT until he woke up Emery this morning. Not happy with him now.

Gaby comes today, she's going to be helping us with KMK. I'm also getting my hair cut today. I'll do a before and after just for fun.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


When we were pregnant and I was still with CMCI Dave and I visited with a number of day cares. It was interested. Some were nice, one caused Dave to almost have a panic attack. But I had my two favorites. The Children's nook and an at-home daycare with Miss Tiffany. When we made the call to start KMK and my mom took Em we let all our spots go.

When my mom got the pacemaker put in, we started using a friend's nanny. She is very sweet but very young. So now the pacemaker is no an issue but my mom wants to stay at one to two days a week. We needed to find more permanent care. I thought of Tiffany right off the bat and crossed my fingers she had a spot open. She did!! Yesterday was Emery's first day with her. Dave dropped her off and I picked her up. She was happy and had two nice naps. She's still not thrilled about the bottle, but we'll get there. She ate a lot last night so i'm not worried.

It's so amazingly nice to not worry about her during the day. To not be fighting the clock. When the other nanny I was constantly thinking, "well if i can do that with Em here I won't have to pay for that hour". It was exhausting. Now I can just do what i need to do. Yesterday I started my new "walk plan" for going door to door at different businesses. I hit 14 offices that afternoon.

Today is day 2 of our new schedule....i like it.